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   « Back To Listing Lhakyi The Tripod & Nera
Lhakyi The Tripod & Nera  - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMixed Gender, 11 Years 6 Months
Amount2 Pets
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Gray, White
LocationSeputeh, Kuala Lumpur
Posted22 Apr 2014 (Updated 11 May 2014)
Adoption FeeFREE
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1. Lhakyi (Male)

I was rescued by a kind lady when my hind leg was seriously injured when I was about 3 to 4 weeks old. My vet said my hind leg couldn't be saved despite they did their best, so my hind leg got amputated. After the surgery I came to live with this fosterer, who's my Slave. Although I have lost my hind leg, that didn't deter me from me being the usual kitten. Just 1 day after the surgery I was back to chasing other cats, mosquitoes and climbing high places. I am quite independent. I love my adopted sister Nera, she's like my mother. She keeps me company and always give me lots of TLC and we wrestle a lot. I am 6 months old now, I have no fleas, no worms, desexed ( here ppl call I kena sunat: P) and I'm a very well behaved boy. I am not fussy. I love some TLC's before you go to bed at night, if you forget I'll make sure to remind you by climbing up on you and demand till you give me some love.Please don't think I'm handicapped, treat me just like other cats with 4 legs cause I'm just as good as the 4 legged.

2. Nera (Female)

Hi, I'm Nera. I was the 1st one to arrive at this Slave's place. Someone just dropped me at the middle of the highway one day and a nice and kind lady spotted me and took me home. She was looking for someone to look after me till I was ready for a new family. I am very close to Lhakyi. he was just a baby when he came to me. I looked after him like a big sister. We play a lot and also a lot of wrestling. it keeps us fit and healthy. I also have a nick-name, Black Beauty coz, I have a very soft, black shiny fur and a long tail to match. I am as fast as a lightning, even Superman wouldn't be able to compete with me. During free time, I wrestle, or groom Lhakyi and my Slave. I killed lots of gecko's (Cicaks) in my home. I hate to see dust balls, so I'll help you keep your home clean. I am 6 months old, flea free, worm free and desexed (Spayed). I'm looking for a loving home who will love both me and Lhakyi equally. I love to be cuddled so give me lots of cuddles.

If you are looking to adopt us , emeow us at or just call my Slave. her numbers are on the profile.
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Lhakyi The Tripod & Nera  - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Lhakyi The Tripod & Nera  - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Lhakyi The Tripod & Nera  - Domestic Short Hair Cat

I too like posing if you are nice to meh
I too like posing if you are nice to meh

I like posing
I like posing

Lhakyi now (meowssap me)
Lhakyi now (meowssap me)

This is me (Nera) before
This is me (Nera) before

I'm doing my physio
I'm doing my physio

This is me after surgery
This is me after surgery

This is me when my hind leg was injured
This is me when my hind leg was injured

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