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   « Back To Listing Woohoo The Maltese
Woohoo The Maltese - Maltese Dog
Owner's Pet
ProfileMale, 17 Years
BodySmall Size, Long Fur
LocationDamansara, Kuala Lumpur
Posted29 May 2009 (Updated 30 Apr 2010)
Name: WooHoo
Breed: Maltese
Gender: Male
D.O.B: April 2nd 2009
Colour: White

- feed on Addiction dry puppy food
- feed on cod liver oil every meal
- multivit. every meal
- feed on lamb twice per week
- feed on My Beau everyday
- feed on heartguard every 21st of the month
- feed on carrots once a week
- feed on sweet potatos once a week
- feed on health n shine

i love my healthy super naughty maltese. Muax!

he loves apples, vege and lamb.

Updated April 30th 2010.

u can see more of his pics at his mummy's fb..
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Woohoo The Maltese - Maltese Dog

Woohoo The Maltese - Maltese Dog

I said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ then he make this type of "har?" face.. =,="
I said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ then he make this type of "har?" face.. =,="

Woohoo The Maltese - Maltese Dog

his ear is actually "stand up"
his ear is actually "stand up"

12 Sept 2009 my naked maltese
12 Sept 2009 my naked maltese

is this a maltese?
is this a maltese?

i wake him up.. haha! messy hair and cute face~
i wake him up.. haha! messy hair and cute face~

Woohoo The Maltese - Maltese Dog

Taken 28 Aug 2009
Taken 28 Aug 2009

Resting after a long walk
Resting after a long walk

thin and tall
thin and tall

8 Aug 2009.. is amazing with My Beau!
8 Aug 2009.. is amazing with My Beau!

he will barks when he wants my attention
he will barks when he wants my attention

Bark at u.. dont take my picture
Bark at u.. dont take my picture

before consuming My Beau
before consuming My Beau

Show All Photos »
before consuming My Beau
before consuming My Beau

Day 20 after consuming My Beau
Day 20 after consuming My Beau

Day 15 after consuming My Beau
Day 15 after consuming My Beau

Day 5 after consuming My Beau and Cod Liver Oil
Day 5 after consuming My Beau and Cod Liver Oil

Day 1 consuming My Beau
Day 1 consuming My Beau

Day 1 consuming My Beau
Day 1 consuming My Beau

he's jealous cause i'm taking care of two husky puppies.
he's jealous cause i'm taking care of two husky puppies.

Pom Pom.. very cute..
Pom Pom.. very cute..

Woohoo The Maltese - Maltese Dog

This is 500gm.. haha!
This is 500gm.. haha!

Woohoo The Maltese - Maltese Dog

Week 8 - getting cutier.. kakaz
Week 8 - getting cutier.. kakaz

Week 6
Week 6

Week 6 - Sleeping sweetly
Week 6 - Sleeping sweetly

Page: 1 2    28 Comments
vanessa   Jun 20th 2009 at 1:02PM
haha! i love poms too.. i love all kinds of dogs actually.. yesterday i wenta 1 utama the new pet shop to buy sth for my woohoo..end up i stuck there and carried a pom.. end up let him run around.. haha! is really very cute!
irena6300   Jun 20th 2009 at 1:04PM
u want get a pom?
vanessa   Jun 20th 2009 at 1:04PM
you? you are selling pom? i want a pure breed pom orange colour with MKA..how much are u going to sell? btw i will buy when my maltese is okay with everything..
hey anythin just leave me a msg here... i'm going out wif frenz now.. ^^ cya.. ^^
irena6300   Jun 20th 2009 at 1:09PM
my friend selling,not me..i js help...her dog is very healthy...her pom is very tiny...haha..tat day i hug...feel scare..cause my golden so huge...her pom is double coated...with MKA..i need ask 1st..price about RM3000++
Deki   Jun 20th 2009 at 4:39PM
Vanessa, b v carefull in choosing breeder/pet shop, u may visit forums here on topic "Campaign stop puppy & kitten BYB do trade thru pet shp", choose an ethical pet shp too.

Take gud care of ur little felo.
kfoosh   Jun 20th 2009 at 5:35PM
yes be careful, they shouldn't have handed you the puppy at such an early stage. Lucky it is doing better now.
If you're getting more pups...adopt one instead :-)
vanessa   Jun 20th 2009 at 11:59PM
Thanks Deki and Kfoosh.. ^^ yeah i will take good care of my son.. ^^ haha! tmr gonna bath him cz monday needta visit vet..
kazukiying   Jun 21st 2009 at 7:22PM
ya if u want u can get from irena6300 she sell very cheap i bought my is about 600
irena6300   Jun 29th 2009 at 12:56PM
wow...how r u vanessa?how is woohoo now?
vanessa   Jun 29th 2009 at 10:10PM
WooHoo is very healthy and super naughty now. when i eat he alwiz beg for my food. his coat is getting better. July 1st for 3rd Vacc.
irena6300   Jul 13th 2009 at 6:25PM
woohoo getting greats!!haha...hey vanessa...my friend selling poms mix chihuahua at RM1000,it totally looks like poms!interest?and ur husky..looks pity...btw,they shed alot..
and i suggest u go petshop buy one thing,it stop dogs from droping tears..cause i saw ur woohoo eyes...got two long scar...haha
vanessa   Aug 9th 2009 at 10:15AM
Woo Hoo is consuming health n shine starting from today.. irene u dont have to be worry bout my son.. he is already over protected by me.. kakaz!
irena6300   Aug 29th 2009 at 10:44AM
woohoo now with a great looking!
janegoh   Sep 19th 2009 at 1:50PM
Hi there,
no matter your maltese is bought from who or mayb not me, i will answer your question here for u (is base on my experience):

1. from the pic, that is sure a pure breed maltese (with MKA, MKA will not allow mix breed to have a cert), maltese and poodle are both sharp mussle breed, if u shave both poodle and maltese, that look almost the same in hairless beside diff color...
2. during the growing stage, all dogs look ugly until the age of 10month, it is because all dogs start to grow up at the age of 3months, so it will grow slowly area by area, ofcourse hair fallen will at this stage as well and it will come out with new hair at the age of 6month(approx).
3.feeding is very important, doesn't means that the more u give, the better it is, some dog cant take too much of vitamin or supplyment, i have no comment on what u giv him, just for your info, no offense.
i saw from the comment, u was suspecting the breeder was giving u the puppy when is only 2-3 week, i dont know what is the facts, just try to answer the follwing question and u might get the answer,
when the breeder pass the puppy to u,
1. is the puppy know how to eat? (a puppy will only learn how to eat dogfood by itself at the age of 1month, u can check detail from books, internet or ask the vet am i telling u the truth),

2. is the puppy given 1st injection and microchip? (puppy will die if give the injection when is still too young and is wasting the $$ aswell; for the microchip, MKA need time to precess, the breeder cant get it so fast after they summited the detail and photos of the puppy to MKA)

3. actually, vet judge dog's age by counting the teeth, is correct(theoritical), but may varry on diff dog as well, do u know a chihuahua will only grow the teeth completly at the age of about 3month and change the teeth at the age of 6month but large breed dog will grow completely at 2month and change at bout 5month age. even human will also have diff grow time to develop into a adult. Is actually varry from diff cases and breed.

I dont know what will u think about my comment, no offense, just wana share my info with u.
vanessa   Sep 21st 2009 at 12:23AM
my reply to JANE

i confirm that i bought a maltese from you or ur family members.

the picture stated does not match the maltese that i bought.

my maltese is look more like poodle or maybe maltipoo than a maltese. why?

my maltese face look so thin and his leg is super slim like a poodle. why?

thin and tall for a maltese.

and he has got very little fur. i thought maltese is suppose to have alot of fur?

he is currently 3.2kg. it does not look like a maltese.

you can view my pictures for it

Thanks for your reply.

i would like to confirm for the 2nd time that i bought the puppy from you or either your partner.
the breeder number is.

answering your questions..
well when i got the pup he knows how to eat.

i was thinking how come my maltese does not look like other ppl's maltese. he looks like maltipoo.
and im kinda sad cause of dat. i really felt like i was cheated. dont even look like any maltese puppy from pet safari too. i hope u cud understand how i feel. i shave off his coat with the hope that his coat will grow thicker since he has really thin coat what i mean is very few fur until i could see his skin is pink.
WeiMeng   Sep 21st 2009 at 2:50AM
Hi Vanessa
Sorry to hear about Woohoo's condition. I happened to buy my maltese from the same breader.... look under Owner's Pet for Bonnie. She also have the same problem of thin and weak fur coat and she has longer legs as compared with Billie, my other maltese. She shed heavily. (Billie never shed.) In desperation to improve her fur condition, I soaked her in olive oil for an hour or two before a bath. The olive oil treatment helps to soften her fur. However, since the last two months, I started hand-feeding her with Royal Canine Sensitive mixed with Super 14 and a Vitapet product for coat conditioning plus PetEsthe shampoo and conditioner for her grooming. Notice the dramatic change to her fur texture since then. Before, it was thin, weak looking, coarse and rough (i.e. dry with lack of oil and gloss as compared with my Billie). Now, her fur is much denser and very nice and soft to touch. However, it is still no match to Billie's. And, she still shed but much reduced. Hence, with some patience, I believe WooHoo will be a handsome little maltese like my Billie. Cheers
irena6300   Oct 5th 2009 at 7:00PM
pity the woohoo..
Acqua   Oct 14th 2009 at 2:31PM
what is my beau?

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