'Old doesn't make one redundant'...This is the story of a special girl with every loving name. She is sadly Heartworm positive and will be treated for it..She was officially fostered on the 13th of Feb 2014 and will be under the care of a very kind samaritan for 2 months. We hope a suitable person would come forward to welcome her with open arms with a forever home..we know she is at that age but has been through a lot. Can you imagine having a choke collar on yourself, your whole life? See the 'rafia' tied on her choke collar? Yes, I got it snipped off and hopefully the fosterer would be able to get her choke collar off. What is wrong with human beings! The Starbucks trip could wait, Starbucks won't go anywhere. Even if one Starbucks gets demolished, more would appear..But there are billions of animals in need and there will always be one buddy or clara or we will call her every loving name in the entire world!..Just like there is only one of us out of the billions of people out there. If you want a dog that is just there as an accessory or if you just want a dog that is healthy, I guess you don't have to read further but I hope the least you could do is place yourself in her shoes and share about her.
I been asked if her chances of being adopted is high. I don't have a crystal ball people, I'm not God either so your question is bizarre to me, but as bleak as it may seem to many of you, I want to remain hopeful that a responsible and caring adopter would come forward wanting to care for her like a child who would stand by their elderly parent with ailments. Buddy was sent to me I believe..God had a task for me on that day. That day where a man cockily rang the bell and asked me to place water for the dog. Of course I would though I was put off by him. Man claimed dog followed him from the bus stop but he was reluctant to stay even for one minute with the dog while I gathered the food, the water? Doesn't click. Dog wanders up and down..people, hah, people were so unkind in general. I could go 'excuse me sir, excuse me, excuse me maam' and what? They just ignored me. To top it off, employer appeared displeased with the dog's presence, but adviced on placing food at the bus stop and just letting her wander off. If one knows me well enough, such 'advices' goes into into my left ear, out through my right ear. I made calls in secrecy. Managed to find a neighbour of this kind couple who housed her for two nights. 8 am the next day, I had to collect her. Would be at work with me but I was only allowed to place her outside of the clinic (yup, I work in an animal clinic indeed). Imagine the scorching heat, imagine the thunder, the rain and I couldn't. Mind you, couldn't even board her. Not because I had no money. I was simply not allowed to. As shitty as that was, good thing, I went by what I stood for and I wasn't a moron to listen to such advices. I've my own personal values. I would have slept with her outside of the clinic at night if that was what it took even because no way was I going to leave her to fend for herself. Thankfully a kind lady contacted me through the internet and agreed to foster her for 2 months.
So again fellow Malaysians or expats or people holidaying here etc, before you go for your next Starbucks fix or debating on what clothes to buy, please take a moment and reflect on this. The fosterer and me are really hoping we could find a suitable person to give her a permanent home...We want the end of her days to be filled with love, compassion...
If you are that person, please contact me Yasmin at. Its best for you to sms me first because I work such long hours. More pictures and any necessary updates will be provided. We can't predict what will happen within this two month period but..we do need fosterers as a back up.. So please, we could end up like Clara..alone, lost, left to wander about when we're old, hoping for the mercy of another human being. Think about it. Someday, we could be sitting outside of Starbucks, begging for dough..from the outside, looking in and all of the 'too caught up with the Starbucks buzz' people who reminded you of yourself when you were younger would all turn a blind eye at you and hey, remember back then that dog you didn't want to give your time for? Reality would blow you real hard when you see a dog wandering on the streets, comforting you. Just think about it. Its no Hollywood script. Its reality. Think about it. If what I just wrote does hit you somewhere, then hit me up. Otherwise, just turn the page.
Kindly, Yasmin