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   « Back To Listing Guana
Guana - Mixed Breed Dog
Owner's Pet
DogMixed Breed
ProfileFemale, 16 Years 10 Months
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
LocationKlang, Selangor
Posted22 May 2009 (Updated 23 May 2009)
i know i m very very irresponsible...yet she is very happy with me and she...aiks...my mum dun like it ans throw it away and i argue with mom..and i try to finding her...for feew hours..today mum warning me again...call me to put it up for adoption...i m sad also...but i dun want she go out and be a stray dog!!so i no choice!!!i want put it for adoption i want it to be good!i have adopted guana with bell,now its up for adoption because my mum dun like it and try to throw it AWAY ...i dunno why all human like pedigree onli...yet i have a golden but i dun hate mongrel too...if anyone of u mind to give her a sweet home she will be very happy...she is very shy...she does not pee in home...unless u bring it out...js nth to say...tired...and sad..any thing u can contact me at
GUANA temperament:
she good with other pets but no cats
she good with human
she does not pee at home
she know how to sit and shake hand
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Guana - Mixed Breed Dog

Guana - Mixed Breed Dog

Guana - Mixed Breed Dog

Guana - Mixed Breed Dog

Guana - Mixed Breed Dog

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Page: 1 2    26 Comments
baca882004   May 22nd 2009 at 5:51PM
[sigh...] Please tell others what her temperaments are, so that an adopter can be found.
PuppyWanted   May 22nd 2009 at 6:04PM
GUANA temperament:
she good with other pets but no cats
she good with human
she does not pee at home
she know how to sit and shake hand

The temperament you described are all so good. Since Guana possesses all good habits, why does your mother wanna dump her?
baca882004   May 22nd 2009 at 6:08PM

I don't think arguing is the way to go. If Guana is your dog and you love her very much, then work out some sort of compromise with your mum. If dirty, you need to bath her more, you need to feed her, walk her etc? Show your mum you CAN take care of her and maybe she'll let you keep her.
irena6300   May 22nd 2009 at 6:10PM
if i tell u...my family is so stupid... are u going to bliv?i hate my family too..and i finding new home also...me also up for adoption..they are stupid..they say she has a white legs..that "sui"...they very pantang...i no even hear thing like this also...
baca882004   May 22nd 2009 at 6:11PM
Agree SPCAMelaka - when I was younger, my mom will say "Bring back dog! Play with dog you very pandai. Clean, feed and wash, then don't want. You better take care of it har! If not I throw away"

Ha...ha...good old days
irena6300   May 22nd 2009 at 6:12PM
today she say she dun like her!!!but she dun say dun like my golden!!how come!every day she saw stray dog she say geli!aiks..i do ur all advise le...useless..
all i clean..even bring it out for exercise...i do all!!but my golden do business at my house my mum say nth..js call me clean it up even they will clean also!how come..tired...exhauted...
vivi   May 22nd 2009 at 9:15PM
it's not good to say ur own family is stupid.
they got their own believes.
i was wondering who adopted guana b4.
It's u pulak eh.
well did u try to dicuss with ur father?
yes it's very wrong what ur family did by throwing guana out.
did u ask y?
just simply by her marking or family traditional belief or ur family dislike mongrel?
irena if u keep on arguing with ur mom it's going no where and the chances of guana being thrown out again are very high.
before u adopt guana, did u ask for ur family permission?
did u let them know bout guana's detail?
if no, then it's partly ur fault.
sori i don't mean to be harsh to u.
u r 15 year old oledi and i believe u mature enough to understand.
don forget all ur income and dog's food comes from ur parent.
respect them and try to discuss calmly and try to think bout spca melaka's suggestion.
Maybe it's bcos of other reason that we din know that make ur mum's to 'denda' u this way.
if ur mum's throw her out just bcos of the belief reason then u should tell her that if she treat an animal like this, the belief also say same luck will fall back. So no good to mistreat the animal.

and if she really want to let go of guana then u should ask her to give u time until u find a new owner for her.
fair enough rite?

shanti   May 22nd 2009 at 9:26PM
You want to solve this problem, then have a slow talk with your mom. Do the following. Sorry i don't mean to offend you but by calling your family stupid and openly declare that you wanted to leave your family, i am quite sure, you didn't talk to your mum nicely whenever this topic was brought into discussion. Try to talk to your mum politely and persuade her a little. Arguing with your mum in a rudely manner will not solve your problem.

About the "white legs", i have heard of Chinese who are supertitious over this but i was wondering why didn't your mum said the same thing when you first brought in the dog to your house. If your mum's reason for not wanting this dog is "white legs", then i guess there is nothing much you could do but to put the dog up for adoption. Whatever it is your mum and your family are still the utmost important to you ( i am not discounting the importance of the dog to you ). When there is someone in the house who hates your dog, then the dog is not gonna be happy too. If you really can't convince your dog, then for the sake of the dog and yourself, put her up for adoption.
JajaBanana   May 22nd 2009 at 11:18PM
Hello, Good Luck in finding Guana a home :) but of course that is your last resort,, talk and compromise with your mother, and tell her about what you feel. Does she disklike Guana because she is a mongrel, and Lucky is a golden retriever?

Wish you luck.
Deki   May 23rd 2009 at 8:33AM
Irena, in April, I saw u hopping profile to profile wanted 2 adopt dogs alrdy I commented on ur profile: (U sound like wan2 adopt every dog le, adopted 1 d? Asked Mum & Dad d? Can keep 2 dogs?)

U noe Y? Coz I experience it b4 when I was younger, did u seriously get ur parents' conscent b4 adopting her?

If no, I think it is so unfair 4 Guana, she muz b blur blur now wat she done wrong kip changing owner.

Aftr browse thru d comments, I think u did not tell ur family clearly abt d adoption......well dis is wrong, & dis is wat is happenning now. Pity Guana.

Abt the "Pantang", I don think u can change her color on d legs (even though how gud she is), unless u can change ur mom's "Pantang", seems 2 help Guana rehome is d only source.

U r oso helpng to rehome/selling pups rite?? U sure u won neglect ur studies??

irena6300   May 23rd 2009 at 10:08AM
I NO INTEREST IN STUDY AT ALL..i should tell this 1st...my mum and dad they are pantang...my grandmother also..even we wear black shirt also cannot...i tell slowly so wat?till the end i kena diao!i told them b4 i adopt guana...at 1st they like the dog...but until now...aiks...they hate hate hate...they dun like mongrel but keep say my golden smelly...but they don do anything bout my golden..aiks...i m seriously want to keep it...now guana lost already...js today...and i see cctv i saw somebody..is my stupid dad...he throw again...perhaps he is throwing her daughter too...i think i m up for adoption...anybody want to adopt me?
Deki   May 23rd 2009 at 11:30AM
Aiyo, guana lost dee? Thrown out by ur dad ar?? Now no point ask y liao, cannot find dee??

Members luking 4 adopter 4 their pets, pls cek if u come across teenage potential adopters, make sure they get consent fr their parents.
vivi   May 23rd 2009 at 11:59AM
poor guana being in the middle of the family conflict.
no point to shoot u irena.
we all have been thru 15 year old and been thru ur kind of thinking.
u will evetually realise ur thinking is very erm......very childish in a way.
if ur parent really din wan u, u will not have the chance to step into this world.

anyway good luck to irena and hope guana will be found and will be in a loving family.
and maybe u should let bellxun know bout this.

Sashy   May 23rd 2009 at 12:05PM
Agreed with Deki, before giving up a pet to an under 18, ensure you speak to their parents first. Thats what I did when I adopted out some puppies, spoke to one of the adopters mom (That teen is a good pet owner, got the pup checked out and vaccinated and everything, and de-flead the very next weekday)
irena6300   May 23rd 2009 at 12:35PM
yesyes...i m irreponsible...now i keep scolding the thief(dad)i m not childish js u dunno wat is my background
BellXun   May 25th 2009 at 12:04AM
Woah woah woah~ Just notice this post.

Did u end up finding Guana Irena?. Is she safe now?

Its late now, I will sms u tomorow to know more.

Few things
1) Guana has NO behavioural problem. Only disadvantage is she will pee when scared. Other than that I think she is trainable and ok. Rather I see her very good dog. Firstly she Never once shit in my garage, when she wan to shit she will bark or stratch door telling u she wan to go out. Secondly she (Barks) alerts me when strange people walk or drive pass/near my house.

2) I did ask Irena did she tell her parents about Guana, she said her parents said ok. That day I sent Guana over, her grandfather came n meet the dog I see also he seem ok with it.

3) Will ur dad throw her again? If he will, then I think I rather pay and relocate her to Furry Friends Farm (FFF) until she is adopted. That is the safest for her I think. (if u wan to contribute too its ok, but seeing u not working yet, i am happy to pay her fees in FFF alone.)Or maybe we can contact the first owner see if she has vacancy at her place?

4) To me she is NOT dissposable. Dont get me wrong. I have a sudden n unexpected change of job during CNY thats why I cannot keep her anymore. Not enough time to take care + She seem lonely sometimes, I wished I can find a friend for her.

5) I think she being always "relocated" is nobody's fault, we just need to find a suitable home for her, thats the ultimate goal. If need to blame, the blame is with 'everyone' also have fault, namely: me, foxtress, Irena, my family, my work, irena's family, irena's studies, or even Guana's Dead mom(no disrespect). Pointing fingers at whoever I think is the most unproductive action. Blaming never solves anything. ever.

6)Irena. Study is important. U cannot say u duwan study de. just try ur best lah. ok?. and ofcourse ur parents wont throw you away. if the 'white legs' really bother them so much, then we try rehome her ASAP. Before 'sumthing bad' happen to her.

7) If, she is still lost. Can u ask the "Theif" where did he unload the 'cargo'? I will drive around and go pick her up. u know, she is not smart is avoiding traffic yet.

Well. God, Buddha, Allah Bless.
daphne1985   May 26th 2009 at 12:57PM
hahaahhah..ur mo dun like white legs...Actually Murphy also white legs....i ask my mom what wrong with white legs? My mom said is bad luck.. hahahha..but all our family, mom and dad still love Murphy..

So how bout Schnauzer lover, all schnauzer are white legs lo...why still got so many Chinese buy Schnauzer? I told my mom Murphy and his ancestor are born to the white legs..tat mean ppl cannot have them will bad luck izzit...My mom just quiet and duno what to say....coz she love Murphy oso...
and my mom said depend to ppl mind it or not la.....
Good Luck to Guana la..I hope she can hv a good home..If Guana is in my hometown Kedah, i definitely can find her a good home..coz most ppl in my hometown here like dogs doesn't care what breed it is as long as a watch dog and obedient..somemore Guana noe to sit and shake hand, she is a smart dog too.
JoeeJoe   Jul 10th 2009 at 3:19PM
so sad..i used to a hav a mongel once..pick her up when 10 years old..14 now..her name is bobo..love her so much..but then, my mum force me throw ger away...she don like dog that time..but now, she like dog...=_=..weird huh? i cry so much that time...for 1 week continue crying..haiz...now hav 2 doggie^^ but when i think of bobo, my heart hurts..........

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