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   « Back To Listing Blake Jr
Blake Jr - Domestic Long Hair + Tabby Cat
CatDomestic Long Hair + Tabby
ProfileMale, 11 Years 5 Months
BodyMedium Size, Long Fur
ColorBlack, Gray, White
LocationPuchong Jaya, Selangor
Posted11 Feb 2014 (Updated 13 Feb 2014)
Adoption FeeRM 50
Hello, Blake Jr. here!

♥ I don't remember all the details, but I was a scrawny and starving kitten once, lying by a busy roadside. My foster mummy spotted and picked me up immediately (despite my hissy protests). I was wrapped up in a towel, placed in a carrier and taken for a ride.

♥ Foster mummy could see that I wasn't the type to warm up easily. A single flinch from her would send me running to a corner! Still, she came to visit me for socialization several hours a day (each time bringing with her yummy bowl of tuna). It wasn't long before I decided she couldn't possibly be of any threat! Foster mummy promised that she would would make me adoptable soon, so that I could go home to a great family.

♥ Three weeks into my rehabilitation, and I'm as confident and playful as any other kitten! :)
I like rolling over and getting tickled around my tummy/rubbed to a purr-filled snooze. Mind you I can be an extreme cuddle-bug! I LOVE chasing string toys and anything bushy/crinkly (dusters, papers, brooms, you name it)!

♥ I ADORE being around other cats too (don't care if they hiss or paw at me, I'm ready pester/follow them until my presence is accepted). The more around, the merrier!

I must say I love my foster home, but it gets a little tiring having to share everything with the adult felines here! Foster mummy believes I deserve better too. If you would like to take me home, please contact my foster mummy ASAP (don't forget to read the notes below first)! :)

*** PLEASE READ: Note For Adopters ***

◘ Blake is not 100% secure yet. He dislikes any kind of hustle and bustle. For this reason, homes with active/young kids or crowded households will not be suitable. Single adopters, couples, or small families with mature children will be his best preference. :)

◘ Blake would like to be kept INDOORS full-time and NEUTERED at the right age, no exceptions. There are enough street-kittens like him out there and Blake does not wish to contribute to the whole problem. ;)

◘ Blake would appreciate some form of premium food (no cheap Whiskas, Friskies, etc), this is for his long-term welfare. The adoption fee listed above is to cover (only a small portion of) his medical expenses thus far.

If you feel that you may be just the right person to take Blake Jr. home, please drop me an email or message at my number. Details on your past experience with cats will be much appreciated.

Thank you! :)
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Blake's fur is starting to grow out @ fluff up too, he'll look dashing in no time!
Blake's fur is starting to grow out @ fluff up too, he'll look dashing in no time!

Blake Jr - Domestic Long Hair + Tabby Cat

Reminiscing on his future (Blake is impatient for a family to call his own soon).
Reminiscing on his future (Blake is impatient for a family to call his own soon).

Despite having reservations, he takes great interest in whatever his human is doing.
Despite having reservations, he takes great interest in whatever his human is doing.

Blake is extremely attentive and charismatic (sets himself up for poses too). :)
Blake is extremely attentive and charismatic (sets himself up for poses too). :)

He gained a LOT of weight, it's almost hard to believe he's the same kitty!
He gained a LOT of weight, it's almost hard to believe he's the same kitty!

Three weeks later: Blake Jr. today!
Three weeks later: Blake Jr. today!

Day of Rescue: Fearful of people but too hungry/focused too react.
Day of Rescue: Fearful of people but too hungry/focused too react.

Day of Rescue: Mange crusts around ears (treated and recovered).
Day of Rescue: Mange crusts around ears (treated and recovered).

Day of Rescue: Skinny and weak.
Day of Rescue: Skinny and weak.

Before - Rescue & Rehabilitation.

Blake Jr. Today: A Bundle Of Energy!

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Share your comments here3 Comments
bloomgalz   Feb 12th 2014 at 9:45AM
blake is sooooo cute :)
shasha89   Feb 12th 2014 at 2:31PM
hi nitha! is blake jr. still available? i'm interested~
FathulNabil   Feb 15th 2014 at 6:21PM
Still available?

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