Thank you for your interest in our puppies. We have 4 big boned , female , Doberman puppies . They are 14 weeks old. They have had their first two vaccinations and will require 3 more at monthly intervals. They have been dewormed. They have started their anti flea/ mite treatment and will start heart worm tablets at 6 months old. They are going to be spayed next week and will be ready for their new homes after Chinese New Year.They have started basic obedience training ie sit , down , no , stay , come. They are being toilet trained to go outside . We have started training them to go on a leash for walks.
Dobermans make good pets and are good guard dogs. They are loyal and protective. They need plenty of space , exercise and food, as they are a large breed.
Dobermans are same sex aggressive so we would prefer their new home to have no other dogs or all male dogs . We recommend obedience training as they can be strong willed and need firm, but kind handling.
We are not breeders. Our puppies come from a family home and are well socialised and like people . We love them very much and want their new forever family to love them too.