.MISSING CAT : Tommy is a male persian cat with white fur. About 3 years old. He weighs around 4kg and he was not wearing any collar. He is a very friendly and very gentle cat. He ignores you when you call him but once you pick him up, he'll stay in your arms as long as you want. He is a very friendly and very gentle cat. He went out last 2 days around Ampang Jaya and has been missing since then. He might be trapped or stuck. If you know where he is, have seen him or have any information (good or bad) please get in touch. I just want Tommy to come home. Wherever he is, I pray that he is warm and well fed. I pray for all obstacles to be removed from his path. I pray for him to be transparent to predator. I will keep looking for Tommy. I will never give up on my boy. Help me, please keep an eye out for him. If found call me at.