There are 5 pups born 25 Nov 2013 which are left to fend for
themselves together with their mother. A kind lady living near where
they shelter feeds them twice daily.
There are chemical drums as well as other stray dogs around that they
can fall victim to. The sibling of the mother was the bitch that was
shot dead when her litter was 3 days old.
The 1st pic are all 5 pups feeding, The 2nd pic is the
mother. The photos thereafter are the front view followed by the side
view of each pup.
All the pups are male with the exception of the black which is a
If there are any queries, please contact me Pat on.
However for adoption purposes, it would be best for the adopters to
contact Hwa directly on.
She speaks Hokkein and Cantonese.
She will refer them to me in the event that the potential adopters
speaks English only.