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   « Back To Listing Dorbee
Dorbee - Doberman Pinscher Dog
DogDoberman Pinscher
ProfileFemale, 16 Years 8 Months
VaccinatedNot Sure
DewormedNot Sure
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown
LocationSeri Kembangan, Selangor
Posted16 May 2009 (Updated 17 May 2009)
Adoption FeeRM 450
An abused 8-month old female dobie for adoption. Its so shy and scared of people ias it has been badly abused.

Also sad to note that it ears were disfigured as the previous owner make a mess while cropping them. It was housed in the same enclosure as other dbie and was constantly attacked by the dominant dobies.

Only for those who has time and patient to nurse her back!

However, she is in good shape now. Those who are going to adopt her must:

She seems ot be trained - only poo when taken outside of the house
Obedient and tend to stick very close by
Only playful when taken out for walks
Very curious
Needs alot of exercise.
Good with children and other dogs (do not show sign of agression)
great dog to wak with - once familir with owner and enviornment can let her off leash (she will stick 10 - 15 ft from you)
Does few commands...NO, home, ..& trying to teach her a few more...defintely need more training
Loves human companionship...
Would be good with other dogs and also kids.

My other requirements:
New owner MUST bring her to the vet for further checkup and let me know the result.
Must not be leashed 24houre a day.
Must not be caged 24hours a day
Allow visits
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Dorbee - Doberman Pinscher Dog

Dorbee - Doberman Pinscher Dog

Dorbee - Doberman Pinscher Dog

Dorbee - Doberman Pinscher Dog

Dorbee - Doberman Pinscher Dog

Share your comments here20 Comments
irena6300   May 16th 2009 at 10:57AM
my god...the ear...
JajaBanana   May 16th 2009 at 11:41AM
the adoption fee is too expensive!!
where did you get this dog?
chino   May 16th 2009 at 12:05PM
Omg..p00r doggy..But makes her unique 2..X takut l0st ready..D0g was abused b4..0nce they hav human which luv and really teach them will turn 0ut to b superb d0g.:)bless you g0t a h0me!gudluck!!
alien   May 16th 2009 at 1:21PM
Cool..just like my pet.special !!!
vivi   May 16th 2009 at 1:57PM
Adoption fee for 450 for a dober is not expensive.
If one can't afford to pay for the 450, so how do u think u can manage to take care of the rest for her life? Rite?
Regular thing to use?
Place to rest for the dober?
Think bout it.
If u really look for a pure one, i think the price is more expensive.
Or maybe u can negotiate with the rescuer.
Is the adoption fee include the medical bill? food?

Dorbee is really beautiful.
and a suggestion here.
Please consider to spay Dorbee to avoid dorbee to be use as a breeding machine.

chino   May 16th 2009 at 4:34PM
Agreed !!!bcoz frm the pic can see altou the f0sterer sell at this price..but d0g health far m0re better than irresp0nsible d0nt kw whos Great dane..!!!G0dbless
trinalgoz   May 16th 2009 at 4:42PM
Please neuter her before rehoming her. She is in the best age to breed. A broken heart can't be hurt twice.
soujorner   May 16th 2009 at 6:54PM
Rescued her from a breeder...when I got her she was badly bitten with open wound on her head, and her head was also badly swollen well until one eye was even near closed.

She was a skelleton as well and badly starved and was shivering non-stop. Took me 1 week to get her to venture out. (been feeding her canned dog food - not cheap)

The fee is to cover some of my cost only. You get to keep the everything I have of her including a 20kg bad of food.

The fee is for her food and medical care (bitten). Like someone mentioned, if you can't afford the adoption fee, how can you afford her medical (vaccination), maintenance and food?

Only serious dog lovers need apply.
chino   May 16th 2009 at 7:08PM
000uu u r s0 kind Soujoner !!h0rrible mankind.So any 0ne interest to bring her h0me plssss dunt hurt this sweet d0ggy like Trinalgoz said.Soujoner u r savier and kind heart G0dbless
JajaBanana   May 16th 2009 at 7:14PM

I never said I can't afford the adoption fee.
Just said it was expensive, because I am a student, plus I already have a dog. Maybe a misunderstanding?

Good luck finding Dorbee a owner.
vivi   May 16th 2009 at 7:18PM
Hi jajabanana,
sorry i din particulary mean u.
It's just to let eveybody know.
Nice to meet u btw.
JajaBanana   May 16th 2009 at 7:28PM
Hello Vivi :)

no need to apologize lahh! no reason to apologize
i probably took it the wrong way..hehe misunderstanding

Nice to meet you too! hehe ^^

chino   May 16th 2009 at 7:30PM
LoLz Jajabanana tumbs up!!!0pen heart!!cool;)
eclipse123   May 16th 2009 at 11:04PM
I think it's wise to put an adoption fee. If possible try to add anothr RM400 on top of that for the spaying fees.
vivi   May 17th 2009 at 1:35PM
HI eclipse, to ask the potential adopter to bear the spay cost is ok but to add another 400 and that will make the adoption fee to 850.
I think that is quite high.
and this will definately turn away the potential adopter for dorbee.
No hard feeling k.
daphne1985   May 17th 2009 at 2:01PM
Vivi said are absolutely right... RM850 is hard to find a home for Dorbee. RM850 not consider adoption however should be for sell. To find a good home for Dorbee we should not sell her but should select the right owner then only negotiate for the fee to cover for CK Ting, since Mr CK Ting is the person that manage to rescue Dorbee from the byb.

Good Job Mr CK Ting!
soujorner   May 17th 2009 at 2:22PM

Dog has been adopted by my wife's patient's dad. He loves dog and had had experience owning a doberman. He now owns a Pit Bull and a Rotweiller as well.

He promised to update me with smses and visits.

HOpe all work out for Dorbee.
chino   May 17th 2009 at 2:34PM
YeeaHHH Gud to Knows Dat...ehmm do u had any Frns to adopting Gamblelees Mongrel dogs???Plsss Hlp to ask around..G0dblesss
vivi   May 17th 2009 at 2:37PM
Congrats to u soujorner.

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