An abused 8-month old female dobie for adoption. Its so shy and scared of people ias it has been badly abused.
Also sad to note that it ears were disfigured as the previous owner make a mess while cropping them. It was housed in the same enclosure as other dbie and was constantly attacked by the dominant dobies.
Only for those who has time and patient to nurse her back!
However, she is in good shape now. Those who are going to adopt her must:
She seems ot be trained - only poo when taken outside of the house
Obedient and tend to stick very close by
Only playful when taken out for walks
Very curious
Needs alot of exercise.
Good with children and other dogs (do not show sign of agression)
great dog to wak with - once familir with owner and enviornment can let her off leash (she will stick 10 - 15 ft from you)
Does few commands...NO, home, ..& trying to teach her a few more...defintely need more training
Loves human companionship...
Would be good with other dogs and also kids.
My other requirements:
New owner MUST bring her to the vet for further checkup and let me know the result.
Must not be leashed 24houre a day.
Must not be caged 24hours a day
Allow visits