FYI, Social is not a small size dog. .
A mother dog (Schnauzer Mix) rescued by my friend and gave birth to 8 puppies. Their father believed to be a Telomian straying outside the area. Social is the one left to be rehome..
2. Social is slightly timid, hence, very alert to passer by or strangers. can be a really good watch dog and good pet as he is also very tame.
3. Energy level: Medium. but require daily walk and need to be train as he is often excited outdoor and will pull on leash. we encourage joggers to take him in ;D
Adopters are required to:-
1. keep up basic health : Deworm, vaccination, and Heartgard(heartworm control)
2. No cage for more than 24 hours. Suggest to put on Long leash or Run free.
3. Provide unconditional love!
Interested please call Shirley or Pei Yi. Dog is based in Shah Alam at the moment. *Trial adoption of 3 weeks is available(with food provided).
Call us now if ur interested!! ;)