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   « Back To Listing Crackers
Crackers - Domestic Medium Hair Cat
CatDomestic Medium Hair
ProfileFemale, 16 Years 10 Months
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
ColorBlack, White
Posted8 May 2009 (Updated 11 Jun 2009)
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Crackers is the only cat who found her way to my house waiting on me one day to feed her when I was late one evening (although where I feed them is quite far from my house!). Then she started coming to my house every day and night, when I opened my gate and called her name, she'd run to me from the bush (has been waiting for me! and she still does it until now). Doesn't come just for food, but for company too.

Very polite, talks with me, and very affectionate, the only love she gets is from me. :( The only downside is that.. she's pregnant..

One of my family members is allergic to fur, and plus, I will be leaving KL very soon. Crackers is extremely precious to me, her stomach is getting bigger and even more I need someone to take great care of her.

I am willing to pay to get her vet-checked, neutered, microchipped (so she doesn't get lost) :), and vaccinated, and help to find new homes for her kitties in the future if you cannot keep all of them.

All I ask is for some updates about her every now and then after you adopt her. I wouldn't know what I can do with her when we all leave this place if no one will take her. Imagine that just one day soon she'll be waiting out there in the bush but I'm not getting out of the gate at all. :(! My neighbors poison the stray cats around here, I'm worried about Crackers every single night and day.

Please contact me if you know you're going to be do such a great job in giving Crackers the love and care she very much deserves. This is going to be one of the toughest things in my life, giving away someone I look forward to every day.

Other than that, she's a silver tabby, female, and has a cat-face. :)!

30th May 2009

Thanks everybody..

Missing has adopted Crackers. Crackers was exploring her new home when I left. It was really one of the hardest things for me to do.. but it's only for the better.... :)

I thank Missing for giving Crackers a home to go to, and a chance for her to feel loved and cared for.. Missing will be updating us with news about Crackers and her coming babies. I can only hope she's happy with her new housemates, and know that I'm always thinking about her...with the help of my tshirt. :(

It was so hard! :(
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Crackers talking to me
Crackers talking to me

winding down.
winding down.

paws! ;D!
paws! ;D!

just lounging.
just lounging.

poor honey.
poor honey.

little mommy.
little mommy.

feeling bad hehe.
feeling bad hehe.

after dinner
after dinner

hanging out with me
hanging out with me

beautiful markings
beautiful markings

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Page: 1 2    33 Comments
white   May 21st 2009 at 8:27PM
thanks for understanding. You're doing such a great thing and I just hope there is more like you around. :/ :]
missing   May 26th 2009 at 9:18PM
hi may, please upload recent picture of crackers, how fat is she, i cant wait to see.. :)
white   May 27th 2009 at 9:10PM
think she's gonna be due quite soon. I touched her stomach today and I think she was abit hurt. :S

btw, expect a new-comer this saturday. :)!
missing   May 27th 2009 at 9:43PM
wow, so big already the tummy.. you are coming this saturday? yeay yeay.. :)
white   May 27th 2009 at 9:45PM
yess saturday. :)! :( That means I won't see her again before work and after work. Been so sad. :.(!
missing   May 27th 2009 at 10:57PM
alaaa, dont be sad la may, i will update you.. dont worry..
stratocaster   May 28th 2009 at 12:29AM
keep it up!
have u plan where to put the kittens?and what to do with them in the time being till someone foster or adopt the kittens?
missing   May 28th 2009 at 5:47AM
keep it up? whats that supposed to mean? the reason crackers is up for adoption is that la, to find someone who can adopt her and foster her kittens until they can be rehomed.. :)
white   May 28th 2009 at 7:28PM
Hey stratocaster, thanks for stopping by. :)

Kitties are not out yet, hoping for it to happen soon, Crackers is getting really heavy, even I have troubles picking her up, so we're thinking it's gonna be pretty soon, and they will not be up for adoption until they're ready to. That's gonna be in about 3-5 months around there? (I think)!
stratocaster   May 28th 2009 at 7:44PM
i mean keep up the good work la, missing...

allrite if i can help foster il let u noe, wait for your posting...after give birth,2months later can be sent for adoption di..
white   May 28th 2009 at 7:49PM
I think we (missing and I) would like to at least see them neutered before they go to new adopter. Cannot remember what's the best age to do that. :/
macgyverjune   May 28th 2009 at 11:13PM
No lah.2 mths is too young to send for adoption.I found 2 mths old kitten roaming around in my housing area crying n screaming for her mother. That poor kitten trying to suck from my adt cats's breast but unfortunately all my cats are neuter.Wait until the kitten 4 mths old.At that time they learn enough skill from their mum.They even can eat solid food already.
white   May 28th 2009 at 11:15PM
macgyverjune, great advise!
macgyverjune   May 28th 2009 at 11:24PM
White,this is base on my experience rescuing cats.2 mths old is too young because they still need their mother's care.Mother cat need to teach her kittens on survival skill like hunting,social skill etc. Kitten observe and learn from their mother.
white   May 28th 2009 at 11:31PM
and learn how to poop in the litter tray! haha. Yes I know that macgyverjune. Thanks alot. :)
missing   May 29th 2009 at 1:23PM
stratocaster, sorry for misinterpreting your comment, i told may, i will neuter crackers after she nurse her babies for 3 months, then we will look into re homing them kittens, hmm sorry ya.. :)
white   May 30th 2009 at 4:30PM
miss her already.
ManekiNeko   May 30th 2009 at 4:46PM
Ah, happy day for Missing and her new sleek, silver kitty! And I'm so pleased that Crackers will have a safe, loving place to deliver her kittens. I bet they'll be gorgeous! :-)
missing   May 31st 2009 at 2:47AM
a sad day for white, and tough day for crackers, she is oke now that i separate her in the room, she want some time to herself, being uncomfortable with the pregnancy, new place, she dont want too much attention, right may.. will make a crackers profile, welcome to visit crackers there and to post encouraging comments.. thank you..
she is no longer lost.. i found her already..

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