Area: TR 9/1, Tropicana Golf & Country Resort Date & Time Lost: 25/08/2015 at 6:45pm Im so worried about her, kindly please give me a call if you see her You help is highly appreciated.
HAI...she's so cuttee...n her colour is exactly like mine...hahaha... well.. >>if u don mind...can i ask u smthg?
i'm keen on lookin for a good female poodle for my male poodle...his name is kokoi..n i didn't spay him...coz i feel kind of unfair to take his springs... his now 1 year n 4 months...n i plan oly to spay him when he's 3 or 4 yrs old.... dogs too have feelings like humANS...can u spay urself to reduce de population in de world?? definately u won't...u dun have de rights o spay ur pet unless 4 his health wise... so for those wit ur opinions lik need to spay him n al...plz keeep it to urself cz? i'm nt oly lookin after his feelings...but his emotions too... i love my kokoi a lot... definately wen he had his puppies..i'l find good place later on for his all about responsibilities in de end..
so?if u 're interested to mate her...just drop an e-mail to my e-mail...
his breed is home breed pure toy worries...