I'm a really cute kitten. I think I wandered off from my mummy and siblings. I was lonely and scared, and cried, cried, cried...and was rescued!
I'm about 4 weeks old, and still have my baby blue eyes and teeny teeth.
I look like a Tiger and have very sexy grey stripes across my body, especially on my tummy, and am absolutely irresistible. Ohh, I also have a lovely long tail.
My favourite activities are:
1. Wrestling with my new best friend, Teddy the German bear
2. Wresting with ribbons
3. Pouncing and exploring
My ambition: to be a wrestler! Or maybe world explorer!!
I can already eat soft food on my own, drink water from a bowl, and am getting toilet trained to use the litter box.
If you are up for a cute kitty (ahem...that's me), please contact my agent. :)
p/s my agent will pay for spaying. Just bring me back to her when I am 6 months old, and she will do the rest!