This gorgeous girl is found at the construction site with her other siblings. Some had died in the accident, some had been adopted to the lovely families, some are at the foster's home. This girl is very friendly, love to lick my face when I say 'kiss kiss'! Like to play, she is the master of the Tug of War game! And she is not human shy. She has been dewormed but not been vaccinated yet. We are still trying to find her a foster's place or even better the permanent house for at least a week before she can be vaccinated. Because whenever the young puppy is put to the new environment, he/she will be very frightened, anxious and caution. At this point his/her immune level will be very low - if we vaccinated him/her at this time, he/she will be easily get virus attack because of the low immune system. Nevertheless, she is a beautiful girl looking for the lovely, warm, care family who will love her unconditionally. Please call, sms, whatsapp me if you would like to find out more about this little girl.