Kelabu was found at 7-11 store in Presint 14, Putrajaya two months ago. At that time, he had extensive gangrenous wound at the rump and tail area. But he was very bright and alert as if there nothing wrong with him.
Then, I took him to the UVH and the vet said that Kelabu needed skin flap surgery as the wound was very large and could not heal by itself. The vet warded Kelabu for two weeks to remove debris and dead tissue leaving only the fresh open wound.
Then, I discharged Kelabu as the bill is so high and took care of Kelabu at home. I did the wound cleaning myself daily and went to UVH for check up and to set time for surgery.
Now, after one month and a half Kelabu is getting his skin flap surgery but then i still cannot get enough money for his surgery. I really hope we all can help Kelabu get his skin flap surgery.
Kelabu has successfully get his skin flap surgery at UVH and the surgery take 3 hours. kelabu now in the UVH wards for one week for post op. Kelabu is bright, alert, responsive and doing well.
Thank you so much for all your donations. Kelabu and I really appreciate it. Thank you again.