The first of the two cats of ours who have gone missing less than 6 months apart. He was a large (2 ft long excluding tail), lean beauty who seems to be unaware of how big he is; he is well-mannered, timid with strangers since he was born at home and does not wander around, has a long straight tail and a high pitched voice, and has the tendency to lick off patches of fur when under stress. He sleeps like the dead, anytime anywhere, usually indoors. He was last seen collared and has never gone missing in all of his 5 years.
People in our neighbourhood have been approached in the past by strangers looking to sell mature exotic cats so this being the first of our two exotic-looking cats to have gone missing so unexpectedly within 6 months of each other has us very worried. Please let me know if you see Jack around/were approached by such offers.