Hello there,
I'm Baby Ollie, I'm about 2 months old. A family found me at a park in Cyberjaya one day and I was still very small and crying for milk then. I came to stay with this lady who wanted to look after me. At first, she thought I was a Boy, but later I turned out to be a Girl :)
I'm a master litter box user, I eat on my own, I am flea free, worm free and I have just completed my 1st vaccination on the 29th Oct 2013. My 2nd vaccination will be on the same date next month (November).
I'm looking for a family that can play with me as I love playing with my toys and hooman. I respond to you when you call me Baaaaaby Oooooo! I love hide & seek game and I am not shy to say Hello to strangers. I make friends very easily.
My mom says I am very active but I go to bed by 10pm and I don't disturb anyone as long as I have my Lion Toy and my Moo cow Toy and I can quietly sit and play with them in my bed.
Are you looking for a kitten just like me? If you are, would you like to visit me? And maybe let me see if I like you?
PS* Please take note interested adopters will be asked to fill up pre adoption form.Thank You