dont mind me busyb0dy kay,,actualy if the pups can b adopt ready leyy..1)coz they can built their relati0n with the new 0wner.2)the adopter can take care them and learn to know the character of the pup as they nid to teach them what is allow 0r not at the new place.3)they r very cutEEEE.!!G0DBLESS .
Chino, u r kind gal, no bz body at all, keep it up......put more comments on those poor dogs, so as 2 draw attention 2 expedite d adoption, esp. those at SPCA.
HElloe Stohtan...u upload the pic ready..very cute and are they ready to b adopt???y not you kip upload their pics and s0me sweet ppl keen to adopt them can b00king 1st????you are a gud resp0nsibility 0wner th0ugh you wanna t0 give them away.GoDBLESSS
To chino, Dont say so nice word on me, i'm sometime think i'm bad cause i'm not able to take care of them and need to give them away. And at first i think spayed on their parent is kind of take away their "enjoyable" life, but on 2nd thought, if i not spayed them it will give a lot of trouble to my family, and may be if really no one adopt them, if we create another problem cause my house got limited space only. So after this time, i think i will decide to spayed on them. sigh.. Sorry (Johnny :(..)
If you want you can come at this saturday at my house to take a look. You please call me at. :). nice to know u....
im s0RRy Tsohtan..i kn0w you fill bad as you cant kip all your puppies .you r trying your best better than sumkind 0f ppl just dump away inn0cent ,helpless d0ggy.yup really sad c0z limited space that not allowing d0g l0ver to kip them all..your puppy very cute im sure sum0ne will adopted them.Godbless.nice t0 kw you to0oo0