Rescued Luna during Raya 2012, it is with us since then. Thought it was a female so we named it Luna, but found out it is a male long after, so sometimes we call it Tuna instead.. urgh..
Luna is extremely playful, it is prepared to play anytime you give the slightest hint. That is also why we could not capture his fully awake and still photo because it always move around.
Update as at 29 Oct 2014: My dear Luna has jumped off the balcony yesterday evening. Thou it's still in one piece when we found it, it is no longer breathing and looked just like it's merely asleep. We buried it on the same day and we blamed ourselves for not being cautious enough in setting up more safety measures that can prevent it from jumping...We just wanted it to enjoy the sunlight and the view, but now we regret it. We will miss Luna in our hearts forever.