absolutely not.. but you can fill my e-mail as adopter. then petfinder can give e-mail to me to print out and redeem at retail outlet. :( http://www.petfinder.my/starterpack.htm
How Do I Become A Qualified Rescuer? PetFinder.my continually assesses rescuers and qualify them based on numerous criteria, such as: You would need to be a member of PetFinder.my for at least 6 months You must have at least 5 successfully rehomed pet profiles in the PetFinder.my system Your pets must be spayed/neutered before being put up for adoption Our system automatically activates qualified rescuers. To check, view your pet profile for adoption and see if it indicates a Starter Pack available. If it is not available and you believe that you qualify, please contact us for further information. Please note that the approval of qualified rescuers are at the sole discretion of PetFinder.my.
Probably you are not qualify yet at the moment, therefore you should deal directly with petfinder.my instead of us. We are just responsible for putting cats up for adoption for free. Please look into this matter individually, as we do not collect any fees for adoption nor we are giving out anything free to adopters. Thank you.
Dear Wongkenji, please note that your profile is enabled for Starter Packs, including for this pet profile. Besides our general qualified rescuer policy, we also selectively enable it for certain active rescuers like you.
You can proceed to update the pet profile with the adopter's information, and our system will send out the voucher instructions to him.