Four bouncy, inquisitive, playful and bundle-of-Joy puppies for adoption. All have black spots on bodies.
3 males and 1 female. The female is not in the picture as she was send for spaying. The males should be neuter soon.
Their momma, which is in the back ground of the photos is up for adoption as well. She's estimate to be around 3-4 yr old, calm, assertive and people friendly.
They are rescued and board at KK Hillpark Vet, Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam. Please contact Dr Loh at to enquire and direction to the clinic.
Pls note that clinic operating hours are:
Mon-Fri : 11am-7pm
Sat-Sun : 11-5pm
Lunch break : 1-2pm
Close on Wed n Public Holiday
If you called and no one answer the phone, pls keep trying. As sometimes the doctors are busy and not able to answer call. TQ