~Sayang and my 2 other cats are in a very high risk circumstance.. 1. Try to make things right by getting a few products to bring down their cage humidity ..
2. My future husband will be back this Friday..have to really slowly discuss about my bulus..
3.Minimize help from family regarding bulus..
3. If those 3 works, they will still be with me...
hye..carik ragdoll ek?? ade kenal 1 breeder mi..kat taman melawati..pet shop yg jual barf..lupe lak name dia..boleh la g sana..owner kedai tu kate..ragdoll doa dlm 2month akan lahirkan anak.. with cert..shah tanya harga dlm 2.5k to 3k..
Kat Pet Epicure ke? Duk Penang pun apa salahnya, saya pun boleh tolong antar bila saya balik kampung (kalau iman tak kuat, saya terus catnap je hihihi)