when i was walking back home after work at china, it was a raining day...a small little dirty + tiny puppy follow me , she keep on follow until i decide to take care her. I name her Bibi again (The white color puppy in the picture). She sleep with me. After 2 years of working contract, i have to move back to Malaysia. That time i m thinking to bring her back to malaysia. But they say have to do injection and put her into sleep for 6 hours...i m so worry. I scared Bibi will die, so i dont wanna take the risk and I have no choice to give her to my friend. This is happen only five months ago...i everyday call the new owner to see Bibi condition, they say she is good. But i cant forget her. I m so sad...Can any one tell me, how to get dogs flight from china to malaysia?? without giving her injection to sleep..ant better and safe way?