Actually his full name is Charlie Charcoal 3B :D He is a very special cat because Charlie Charcoal got wobbly legs! See his videos below.
To ensure that I understand Charlie's needs better, he has seen, so far, 3 different vets and a physiotherapist. Each vet has got their own different views about what caused his legs to act funny. (I'll tell the potential adopter what the vets have said when they contact me.) But ALL of them, including the therapist agree on these points:
* Charlie Charcoal is healthy
* Vaccinated on 2 Sep 2013. Next vaccination date is 3 Sep 2013
* All he needs is good food and a secure loving environment (so do we all, right?)
* And because he is still growing, he will probably get stronger as he develops if he is given proper care and healthy food.
* And even if he still has weird legs as he matures, he'll still be like any other healthy cat. He'll just be not very stable on his feet, that's all.
* Charlie Charcoal probably cannot and shouldn't jump or leap. Right now he cannot jump. Probably he will not be good at jumping in the future too. And he should never be left on anything high, in case he'll try to jump down and that can hurt him because he cannot land properly like other cats.
* He does not seem to be in any pain or discomfort and acts like any other active, curious, loving kitten.
As he wobbles when walking, the adopter will have to make sure he is kept indoors, and/or in a confined garden, and away from high places (high meaning anything much taller than his body length).
But the adopter will be getting a very special cat with lots of loving and lovely behaviour.
Some other info about him:
* De-wormed and de-flea on 3 Aug 2013
* Expert litter box user
* Expert footballer in spite of his wobbliness
* Plays happily by himself and with children
* Loves to be around people
* Gives nose-to-nose kisses (especially after a nice meal and he is purring on your knee)
* Loves to roll around on the bed
* Enjoys cuddling
* Gets ecstatic when you rub his back at the spot just before his tail.
* Looks at you when you talk to him like he understands you.
He was found on 2 Aug 2013 and is currently in my care while looking for his own forever home. If you want a chance to adopt this little darling, please sms and/or email me your name and why you want to adopt Charlie Charcoal.