"旺来" 是两歲的狗狗, 那时初見她, 常被绑在店旁, 身邊围繞十只小狗, 只有一小片屋瓦遮身。小狗一天天减少, 病死, 被撞死, 而"旺来"還是被绑在固定的地点。有一天, 忽然看不到她, 忍不住了, 下車問点家, 原来点家要装修, 装修工人把木板鐵支都堆積在"旺来"的落脚地, 那空間只够她站立而已, 那时身邊小狗只剩一只。我要求朋友幫忙带走她, 和她小狗, 也和店家了解能不能善待她, 店家告知她之前一次所生的一群小狗, 都被丢到菜市場了.....最後店家答應讓我們幫忙结扎, 然後會繼續養她...我們带她结扎时, 她被發現有乳癌, 一是切除, 但手續费,医药费和療養费肯定是几千塊, 分两次開刀, 二是不理她, 只把她结扎就好, 然後送還店家。最後靠大家的热心捐款, 筹到了费用讓她開刀切除乳癌, 结扎, 療養, 到现在完全康复, 店家竟然說: 以為狗被我們带走了, 所以没打算再養!!!!!! 我們從狗结扎到患乳癌要切除, 都有告訴她, 现在講鳥話!!!!她很活潑, 很乖, 送到庇護所也好可憐, 现在要靠大家幫忙, 幫她找家, 癌症狗几千塊医好了,没人要, 没地方去, 不是很無奈嗎? 请大家幫忙傳一傳, 問一問, 讓她有個家, 好嗎? 聯絡我 :(上班时間, 請簡訊或what's app)
Ong Lai was previously diagnosed with breast cancer and had since been admitted to Venice Veterinary Clinic and underwent surgery to have her cancers removed.Thanks to the tender and attentive care of clinic vet and assistants, she is soon ready to be discharged...fully and completely recovered. All ready to start a new life.We are looking a home for ONG LAI...hoping she will have the opportunity to be cared and loved after all the hurdles and pain she has been through.Ong Lai is approximately 2 years old and has already been spayed. Active, friendly and gets along well with humans and other furkids.If you can spare a part of your heart and home with her, please call/SMS/Whatsapp.