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1st time with shoes, How to walk ar???
Wookie..........My new dad taking me out for walk...
So comfy, sleepy lor............
Dis pose nice???
My new mummy taking pic for me
On my way to new home, KL, nice car, so comfortable
Don disturb, wanto sleep liao
errr..... another Liang Lui wor......
Nope!! Don bluff !!
Ok, full liao
1 more for me plz......
1st cum 1st serve
Oh no !!!!!! Liang Lui got boy fren dee.....
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yummy....... yummy.......
That side oso got Liang Lui Wor....
Tired dee....
Huh ????
Roll 1 more time for 1 more cookie ok ??
Sumthing up there??
What you want??
Tired, let me rest la
This is 1 of my trick
Handsum not??
How cum my head so big today?
I saw 1 Liang Lui comming.........
What ??
Give me that !!!