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   « Back To Listing Timsar, The Greenest
Timsar, The Greenest - Iguana Reptile
Owner's Pet
ProfileMale, 14 Years 8 Months
DewormedNot Sure
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
ColorGolden, Cream, White
LocationSri Kembangan, Selangor
Posted3 May 2013 (Updated 13 Aug 2013)
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____For the new OWNER: (RM***** is just a random price)

1. He/She must have few years of experience of keeping Iguanas (alive probably) :P.
2. They must have one or more Iguana of their own, then Timsar can make friends with them.
3. I need to see some pictures of the place they prepared for Timsar or their Iguana to live. (then I can make sure he is not going to be homeless)
4. For 2-3 month I need to get pictures of Timsar to make sure he is doing OK.
5.In first month, if you think it's hard to keep him, or he is not the pet that you were looking for, or any other reason, I highly appreciate if you can give it back to me. He is my grandfather;
I've got a great respect for him
6. I got it from IKEA's pet shop when he was 10cm in length. I grew him up as I grew up my younger sister. Now, I have to leave this country for good, and the place I'm going is dry and cold enough to be able to kill him in less than 1 week.
There are many people asking me if I can pass Timsar to them, but I really cant, cuz they never kept once before.
7. Timsar for me is not an animal nor a pet. He is the best friend ever, he is like my grandfather. A human being.
8. I really don't know how to deal with not seeing him anymore. Thaat's why I'm looking for an owner who can keep it like his children.
9. I want to meet people who are interested in him and talk to them first and make sure they are really able to keep him.
10. If you think you are able to keep him as another human being, please send me Email:

____About Timsar, the Green:

He sleeps in my room. Timsar and my cat eat food from the same plate, and sometimes same food as well.
He never been in a cage. Always free in the house and pees in the same place my cat does.
Like every other iguanas it takes 6-12 month to get use to its new house. He is very kind but never met any other of its own species before. So, he might be a bit aggressive once he met a new reptile fellow.
He acted in few famous Music videos, short films.
You can see his fan page on facebook:
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Timsar, The Greenest - Iguana Reptile

Timsar, The Greenest - Iguana Reptile

Timsar, The Greenest - Iguana Reptile

Timsar, The Greenest - Iguana Reptile

Timsar, The Greenest - Iguana Reptile

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