Goldie is a rescued dog. Very gentle with kids. She is spayed on 20 May 2013. Goldie has been dewormed on 13 April 2013. Vaccinated on 21 December 2013. She likes to snuggle up to you. Can be a guard dog as well. Goldie likes to talk, a self-assured, loving dog and goes well with other dogs. She gets adapted to new environment very fast.
Excuse me Fatphatty! This is a stray dog which we helped her to deliver her pups. I'm a rescuer and i have 4 other dogs (3 of them were rescued) with me. We helped to look for homes for both mother and pups. Kindly ask before you jump to conclusion!
Fatphatty, Goldie is a stray dog who wandered into Jenn's husband's business only a day or two before she delivered. Jenn and her husband provided a safe and clean place for her to deliver and nurse her pups. They will vaccinate mum and pups, and spay Goldie, as well. Please trust me: this is not a case of dog-dumping, but of very generous and caring dog rescue!
I apologized and taken what I've said back but you should update with better description. If you read what it is, it didnt mentioned at all and dont blame me to mistaken this. All in all thanks for your kind hearted act.