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   « Back To Listing Stemeo
Stemeo - Miniature Pinscher Dog
Owner's Pet
DogMiniature Pinscher
ProfileFemale, 16 Years 7 Months
BodySmall Size, Short Fur
LocationBayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang
Posted23 Mar 2009 (Updated 21 Jun 2009)
This dog is adopted from FSS3in1, who fostered the dog for at least 1 week, maybe longer. You can see some info about the dog from FSS3in1's profile.

She is very affectionate and quiet. She is timid but I think she will grow out of it.

Dog's name is pronouned Stem-eo. My 9 year old came up with this special name and everyone in my family, except me, thought it was a good name. I was voted out.
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Stemeo never resist a hug
Stemeo never resist a hug

Playing fetch at home
Playing fetch at home



big ears
big ears


On a happy day where she gets to run around the park
On a happy day where she gets to run around the park


Sound asleep
Sound asleep

Always curious, even if it is just more tiles
Always curious, even if it is just more tiles

Her first command => sit
Her first command => sit

Page: 1 2    23 Comments
sheng   Mar 26th 2009 at 12:36AM
Today is day 5. Stemeo is more active, and is starting to treat our house as her home. She is not shy anymore. Sometimes, she barks at dogs howling outside.

Toilet training is 90% effective after we move her cage closer to her. Thanks to FSS3in1/Jun for the tip or we'll still be cleaning after her today.

She learnt to sit on command. Will teach her "ok" as the release command.
junlee   Mar 26th 2009 at 12:22PM
wow!dats good!very fast she learning....
oo..really looked fatter thn b4...good job!where u put her in pic2,3?
sheng   Mar 30th 2009 at 12:07AM
Pic 2 and 3 are on top of the wet kitchen table where we prepare uncooked food. Due to the fact that I use a handphone camera, I needed a place that is bright enough, and where I can take a pic eye level with her.

She is with us one full week now. We love her very much. My kids bring her out for walks everyday, and they socialize with little boys outside. Every night, she can hear me coming home after work much further away than my wife and children can.

I hope she grows some nice big muscles soon. And I hope she continues to not bark too much, just like how she is now.
junlee   Mar 30th 2009 at 1:39AM
really?how do u know dat she know u reach home oready?cos she bark o get excited?
sheng   Mar 30th 2009 at 2:34AM
I park my car about 1-2 minutes away from my house. Therefore, I have to walk home. Stemeo would get up and walk to the side door and wait for me. A few moments later, I would then open up the gate, and walk in to the side door where she will greet me.

Before her, no one in the house would know I am home until the gate opens. Now, they just have to look at Stemeo walking to the side door.

So, either Stemeo hears me or smells me. I don't know which...
junlee   Mar 30th 2009 at 2:57PM
both...dog can hear n smell from a far distant...
hahah..cute wth d pic open leg..hahah
BerniceW   Apr 20th 2009 at 10:35PM
She looks like a Kangaroo (1st pic), so cute....
sheng   Apr 21st 2009 at 12:50AM
You should see her chasing after insects in an open field. She actually hops like a kangaroo too. And by this, I mean jumping off all four legs at the same time the insect jumps.

Now, if only I can find her a sack for her tummy...
BerniceW   Apr 21st 2009 at 8:11AM
May b he can fly with his big ear....hahahahah.....

He sure gives you lots of joy, right? Do update moe fotos, like his big ear.
sheng   Apr 21st 2009 at 6:53PM
Giving her a bath is a little challenging, in the sense that I have to flip the ear down before I pour water on her head. Don't want water to sip into her ears...

I am happy that her ears are not cropped. A bobbed tail is painful enough.

If I catch her flying with her ears, I'll be sure to snap a photo and post it here :-)

And yes, she brought lots of joy to the family. Also brought some argument between me and my wife on how to handle her and how to punish her and what to allow her to do. But nett nett nett everything, it is a positive experience. I wouldn't trade her for anything.
Deki   Jun 8th 2009 at 8:17PM
OMG, I tot u were holding a kangaroo, he sure cute with his big ear, and luk at the way he ran, he is so adorable....
Dis "Kangaroo" still cute, his size luks big for a Min Pin.
sheng   Jun 21st 2009 at 5:00PM
Uploaded one more picture of "big ears" playing fetch at home :-)
tpyein   Jul 6th 2009 at 10:28PM
Hi, may i know -how is yr mini pin ??? my dad wants 2 buy 1 for me.He says that mini pin is easy to take care of.
Anyway,I saw a few mini pin at the pet shop n it costs about Rm 500 each , is it cheap???
sheng   Jul 7th 2009 at 5:03PM
Hi tpyein, if you want to know about min pins, you can check out this website:
You can also get a whole lot of information about other dogs at the same website.

In general, I love my min pin. She is playful and a good companion. She has short hair and grooming is easy. You have to groom your dog to make her hair shinny and to make sure she does not shed on the floor too much. Shampooing the dog is easy, and she does not need too much food.

Min pins are supposed to bark a lot but mine has not done that yet. I mean she does not bark excessively, but she does bark like any other dog.

I don't know about the price of min pins. I did not buy my dog from a breeder. I adopted the dog from FSS3in1 who fostered the dog before she found me. She is good with dogs and you can ask her for comments too.

You could also decide to adopt a dog. There are lots of unwanted dogs out there and you can do a whole lot of good by adopting one. Going the easy route of buying one is just an easy way out and does not help dogs in need of an owner.

The catch is you have to be patient and wait for a dog that you like to be available. I see some small sized dogs that are available in Petfinder every 1-2 months. If you do adopt a dog, remember to only approach anyone on Petfinder with the company of your parents.

It is a very satisfying experience for me to know that I have helped one dog get a better life by putting in time to search for an unwanted dog. I also met FSS3in1 who helped me understand dogs much better than I could have. And FSS3in1 thought me how to train dogs too. In summary, it is a win-win situation.

However, remember that while searching for a dog to adopt, you will be disappointed many times. I was. But this only makes the joy of finding one so much more satisfying. If you persevere, I am sure you can find a dog you like.
There you go, a min pin waiting for adoption.

Take good care of him.
tpyein   Jul 8th 2009 at 11:29PM
thank you very much
How can u train yr mini pin?? Yr mini pin looks very active but mini like very shy n well behave,why?? n why my mini pin barks 4 food but not strangers???

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