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   « Back To Listing Kitty (Not Named Yet)
Kitty (Not Named Yet) - Domestic Medium Hair Cat
CatDomestic Medium Hair
ProfileFemale, 12 Years 3 Months
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
ColorBlack, Brown
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted2 Apr 2013 (Updated 9 Apr 2013)
Adoption FeeFREE
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You can contact me through whatsapp/line to know about the cat.

Conditions For Adopting :
1. No first time adopters without experience.
Friendly first Time adopters with experience
are welcome.
2. Keep in contact.Please send me picture of her
every now and then.I want to be assured that
she's fine and growing well.
3. Be absolutely sure that you will commit to her
before adopting.
4. I will try to converse with you a bit before
giving her because I want to know the
adopter's background.

About the kitty :

This is a female kitten. She was wandering outside at the opposite neighbor's house. and I accidentally called out to her and didn't expect her to come in running. Just came in and made herself home.

She is a veryyyyy friendly kitten. She is the first kitten I didn't had to try to tame.
WE found who the mother cat is. The mom came in and checked on her for 3 days and bit farewell. The mom trusts us.
Compared to the other kittens we have had, she is the most gentle one. She plays but not naughty.

This little kitty is a bit greedy in eating but good thing is that she's not violent.

She's quite intelligent. When it comes to food. Knows every sign food is coming.

Doesn't scratch or bite...or haven't learned to yet (only happens when we let).

Gets friendly with the big cats very fast. So if you have other cats, won't be a problem.

I'd love to keep her but everyday before I go to bed I have to shut her outside the house. She spends the whole day inside and at night I feel bad shutting her outside and seeing her desperately trying to come back inside...I'm not given other choices. So that's why she's up for adoption. I'm not allowed to keep her.
I don't want her to become a stray cat.

She pees and poops on grass.Sometimes she goes on her own and other times she scratches and jumps on our legs to ask us to bring her to the toilet grass).
When she wants to pee, her tail fur stands up and it looks like brush while meowing a lot.

aaaaand you gotta love that face of hers.

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Sleepy Kitty
Sleepy Kitty

Kitty (Not Named Yet) - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Kitty (Not Named Yet) - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Kitty (Not Named Yet) - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Kitty (Not Named Yet) - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Kitty (Not Named Yet) - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Kitty (Not Named Yet) - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

Kitty (Not Named Yet) - Domestic Medium Hair Cat

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