Introducing Teddy!
♥ Adult male Shih Tzu, 1+ years old.
♥ Surrendered by previous owners due to relocation.
♥ Very friendly and attention seeking. Will not bark (except at strangers outside or if crated too long).
♥ Stay close to his people and always follows around, manja and LOVES belly rubs! Enjoys car rides.
♥ Teddy can only leave for a new home after April 10th.
♥ Teddy is for adoption as a SINGLE pet only. He will try to mate with ANY female dog (even if spayed) and doesn't get along well with other males.
♥ Teddy must be kept INDOORS as he is very attached to people. He is also afraid of thunder. Teddy is not indoor-toilet trained and must go for daily walks/be let outside to do his "business".
♥ Teddy is already NEUTERED (sudah dimandulkan). Not for anyone interested in breeding.
ADOPTION FEE: To cover neutering cost (Rm150) and basic grooming done(Rm30).
Please drop me a call/email if you feel that you may be just the right person for this boy. Thank you!