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   « Back To Listing 3 Stray Ladies (Female Pupps)
3 Stray Ladies (Female Pupps) - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileMixed Gender, 12 Years 4 Months
Amount3 Pets
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted27 Mar 2013 (Updated 18 May 2013)
Adoption FeeFREE
LOCATION : PETALING JAYA SS2, in a terrace house where my uncle rents it for the use as a store to keep his construction tools.

*Latest update: there are 3 female stray pupps left (2 r in black color while 1 is black mix brown color). *

There are 6 stray pupps are currently in need of a forever home as today when i went to feed them as usual after work, I was shocked when I was informed by a neighbour that a pup had ran across the road & was hiding under a car. Thank God, for watching over her, from being hit by car. Actually they are 1 month +, but it indeed surprised me that she able to across the road & was so dangerous when she now can barely walk.

As per the photos attached, they are now living at a undesirable place, where it's not a properly covered shelter.

The puppies are in the total of 6, with 5 female & 1 male. They are such a group of cutie pie, playful(especially the male 1). I love how they all look so innocent and curious. Don't they just make your heart melt a little?

Pls send them someone who will really care & for that they will be given a new chance to LIVE!!!

Thank you.

*would prefer people who will spay the puppie when they are approximately 5 months big (it's a MUST)
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3 Stray Ladies (Female Pupps) - Mixed Breed Dog

3 Stray Ladies (Female Pupps) - Mixed Breed Dog






3 Stray Ladies (Female Pupps) - Mixed Breed Dog

3 Stray Ladies (Female Pupps) - Mixed Breed Dog

3 Stray Ladies (Female Pupps) - Mixed Breed Dog

3 Stray Ladies (Female Pupps) - Mixed Breed Dog

3 Stray Ladies (Female Pupps) - Mixed Breed Dog

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Pitiful MUMMY
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chin83   Apr 6th 2013 at 5:53PM
dear all,

the new update is tat the only male pup had been adopted successfully by James's family, grateful thanks to him for inviting the poor fella to be the new memeber of the family. It's indeed good & wise decision to let him to be a pet of ur son as it will develop the aspects of loving, caring, responsibility & theres many many more physical & mental health benefits. THANKS LOTzzz for adopting a stray pup, u hav saved a life....now theres 5 more ladies (female pupps) r longing for a home but theres no feed back, omg, why mostly dunlike female? im really curious, but, hope that theres some1 will shower them with abundance love, as being a stray dog is very pitiful.
Dear all,

the latest update tat is the condition has turned worst, the 3 stray pupps r infected of normal skin disease,due to the unideal environment where theres paint, loaded with renovation stuffs. 1 tat is more critical 1 had been discharged from vet today (after 2 weeks boarding at the vet), & there r currently at a kind fosterer home - the neighbor next door.

unfortunately, today I was hit by an unwelcome news - the fosterer told me tat he will be outstation for a short period of time due to work. OMG!!! then where should i place the pupps where Im staying in condo.
so Im now urge for adopter who willing to shower them with lotzzz of LOVE.

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