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Tabby, 2 Yrs

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Lost And Found , 2 Yrs

   « Back To Listing Harvey: Good Watchdog
Harvey: Good Watchdog - Terrier Mix Dog
DogTerrier Mix
ProfileMale, 15 Years 2 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, White
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted13 Feb 2013 (Updated 16 Apr 2013)
Adoption FeeFREE
Verified Rescuer
This handsome black dog was found in a residential area in Ara Damansara. We can't find his owner and would like to put him for adoption.
A good watchdog. Alert and very athletic. Hates being caged up or tied up for too long. Enjoys his daily walks for his pee and poo. Suitable for those who want a mature independent dog. Neutered, cost to be borne by adopter. Please give this good boy a home.
Adopted 31 March 2013 by Lianne.
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Happy in the car
Happy in the car

Upright ears
Upright ears

Good dog
Good dog

After a week of proper care: shiny coat
After a week of proper care: shiny coat

When found: Fully black dog except birthmark on his nose
When found: Fully black dog except birthmark on his nose

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For Adoption
For Adoption
For Adoption
For Adoption
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Share your comments here5 Comments
shree85   Feb 20th 2013 at 8:24AM
Ms. Eileen08, I need an explanation on you stoping people from adopting dogs. If some have done bad by adopting and abandoned it, doesn't mean others will do the same thing. I appreciate your contribution of being a fosterer but you have stop many keen people to adopt a pet meanwhile stoping the bad ones.
Eileen08   Feb 20th 2013 at 1:32PM
Shree95: who are you please? Have I ever stopped you from adopting and how so? If you want to ask me something, please be specific.
shree85   Feb 21st 2013 at 8:54AM
Eileen08: I have called few people and they agreed to adopt the dog. Finally, when the day arrives to collect the dog, they called and told me that they couldn't give the dog to me because some called eileen called and informed that not to adopt the dog to an Indian. What's the problem for an Indian to adopt a dog? Its not that I don't want to buy a dog but I feel its a waste of money to buy a dog where the money can be donated to SPCA or PAWS Mission for a better purpose.
Eileen08   Feb 21st 2013 at 2:26PM
Shree95: I have rehomed many dogs, a number of them to Indian families. I go through a normal interview procedure and if I feel a caller is suitable, we meet up and take it from there. If you think you are a suitable dog owner and want to adopt, please call me and if all is good, then i will recommend you a dog. Please don't make baseless accusations. I won't be entertaining your ranting anymore but i do hope you will call me if you are serious because i have many dogs waiting for a home.
Shree85: I am still waiting for your call. Why aren't you calling me? I want to give you a dog.

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