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   « Back To Listing Tasha And Sasha
Tasha And Sasha - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileFemale, 12 Years 4 Months
Amount2 Pets
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Brown, White
LocationKluang, Johor
Posted5 Feb 2013 (Updated 8 Feb 2013)
Adoption FeeFREE
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Dear all, these are two female puppies that I have found by the side of a busy road on my way to work. I couldn't leave them there knowing what would eventually happen to them....so I brought them home. The state of our country is such that most shelters are barely surviving with minimal funds. Therefore I am trying to find them loving homes on my own. I would love to keep them myself but I already have four dogs. My neighbours are not very happy and asking me to 'buang' as if they are some unwanted rubbish( apparently they are not as compassionate as I would like them to be). I have checked with the local authority and I was told that there can only be four dogs per household and I may keep more if the neighbours don't complain but if they do they will remove all the dogs and put them to sleep (may not be the case, perhaps they were just trying to scare me).I now run the risk of losing all my dogs but I still believe I can find these puppies loving home with your help. Please help me give these puppies a chance at life...All you have to do is to help me find them a home. May God Bless your act of kindness.
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Tasha And Sasha - Mixed Breed Dog

Tasha And Sasha - Mixed Breed Dog


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