posting on behalf of a friend:
Her story:
Peanut was about to be thrown in to SPCA if she has not been rescued this week. Poor little Peanut, so tiny and cute was left abandon outside housing premises in a cage.
According to owner, he doesn't have the capability and strength to look after younger ones as he himself has two dogs. It's just sad how this cute amazing puppy is left abandon alone, while all other siblings have been taken away by passer by.
Behavior observed:
-Active and playful (likes soft toys to keep her company)
-remains quite and still when u held her in ur arms.
-Doesn't bark nor make noise whn it's bed time in her cage.
-Poos twice a day (morning and night)
*Owner are required to spay dog when she reaches 6 month of age.
Kindly call : Angelor email