EDITED 28 OCT 2013:
He has been missing since 6/09. I stay around zoo negara area, please please if you do find him please inform me or keep him for me til u get to contact me! I miss him so much! We dont know how he have gotten out, possibly during my brother getting the laundry from the back door to be put into the car and bring to dryer! When we got home, he was gone.
I adopted Shiro from Thiru (a fellow Petfinder rescuer) with a hope to become a fosterer until he is all well and grown up. But I am happy to say that I get to keep him!! :D
His blindness is a defect that was caused by flu during birth. According to Thiru, he was the only survivor among his siblings. Shiro is now a very active, manja, spoilt little boy! But dont be fooled, he is VERY smart, he doesnt hit everywhere he goes anymore, he maps out the house clearly already especially upstairs, he pees and poops in his litter box!