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   « Back To Listing Miu Miu
Miu Miu - Boston Terrier Dog
DogBoston Terrier
ProfileFemale, 15 Years 4 Months
VaccinatedNot Sure
DewormedNot Sure
ConditionSerious Injury
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, White
LocationSetia Alam, Selangor
Posted15 Jan 2013 (Updated 17 Jun 2013)
Adoption FeeRM 500
Dear all,
Im glad that Miu Miu is with her forever family now at Rawang.
Thanks for all the sharing and comments.

Miumiu is a lovely dog, enjoy to be carry on lap, will stay quietly.

History of Miu Miu:-
the previous owner boarded her at the petshop and went missing, petshop not unable to contact the owner due to information registered at the petshop is fake information. Miu Miu hindleg is very weak, suspect is "pathella laxation"?
Miu Miu is estimated to be 3 to 4 years old, weight 8.1kg, she need to lose weight to 7kg ideally due to weak hindleg.
Miu Miu is on heat now.
Photos will be update soon

Conditions for adoption (Strict conditions for adoption is to make sure that i get the right owner for Miu Miu):-
- Successful adopter must spay her soon after heat / when she is ready to be spayed (as dr. advise due to her health condition now)
- For those who's interested to adopt Miu Miu must be a genuine dog lover (Boston Terrier lover add to advantage), patient person, experience in keeping dogs as Miu Miu seems to not able to control pee/poo.
- To be able spend on the medical bill as Miu Miu is not a healthy Boston Terrier, be prepared on the high medical billing
- To be able to keep annual vaccination, deworming and heartguard protection up to date through out her life
- To keep Miu Miu indoor (she is panting just a few mins stay at my carporch in the morning when the weather is not hot) she is vulnerable to hot weather
- No long hours caging / short leash tying up
- To allow me to home visit to assure that Miu Miu is being properly treated and cared for, thus please keep me informed if there is a change in home address or contact number (really appreciate that)
- If at any point the adopter can not keep Miu Miu, please return her to me, instead of selling her or giving her to another person
- Other than to provide adequate food, water, attention, medical care and examinations by vet through out her life, Miu Miu needs a loving owner that will love her forever and will not give up on her
- Adoption fees is the adoption fees charged by the petshop (RM300, receipt provided)
- If at any point, adopter can not fulfil the conditions above, I have the right to take the Miu Miu back
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Miu Miu - Boston Terrier Dog

Cycling day
Cycling day

Miu Miu - Boston Terrier Dog

Miu Miu - Boston Terrier Dog

Miu Miu - Boston Terrier Dog

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Share your comments here3 Comments
Askprotech   Mar 4th 2013 at 5:27PM
can cheaper?
still available?
can you give me free? 638
I has very experince to take care boston terrier
ManekiNeko   Mar 4th 2013 at 6:17PM
Askprotech, Icelads has made it very clear in the description that this dog is facing very high vet bills. Luxating patella is not a trivial issue. Asking him to give you the dog for free does not suggest that you're willing to take responsibility for the dog's medical bills...

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