Sheng & Munkie: The owner said she isnt giving the pet away anymore?
Because as she informed me, she wants her dog to get a good home and is up for adoption because the dog has too much energy for her small compound and the dog keeps barking all night waking her child up in the middle of the night and she feels bad as her father canes the dog.
I was able to contact the owner, a lady, last Sat afternoon. Dog is in Butterworth, and not Tg Bunga. We agreed we will meet at KTM station in Butterworth at 1pm on Sun. I was at the KTM station, called owner, but owner did not want to pick up her phone. I used my wife's phone to call, and owner picked up the phone. It was a guy this time, and they said the dog has been given away.
I figured the dog is still there but the owner changed his/her mind overnight. The owner could have informed me so that I do not have to make a trip across the sea (I stay on the Penang island) but the owner chose to not answer the phone. It was disappointing, especially to my 11 year old kid. He cried all the way home.
By the way, since I am here already... anyone wants to give up a small toy dog? I live in a double storey terrace, with a 9 year old boy, 11 year old boy and a wife. We plan to keep the dog inside the house. I have kept a dog when I was a teenager. I don't mind paying for the spaying or neutering of the dog, but I am not interested in paying for the dog. Most SPCA dogs are too big for the size I wanted. Requirements: dog should be small, and preferably located somewhere near Penang.
Now that I have read this thread carefully, and give it some thoughts, I think I know what happened.
I must have talked to the daughter on Sat, who is willing to give up the dog. But on the next day, a Sunday, the father was not willing to give up the dog. I must have talked to the father on Sunday.
How sad they have to cane the dog. Dogs usually do not bark in the middle of the night if they are kept inside the house. If the dog is kept outside, there is a good chance the dog would have been stolen. I wonder why a dog would bark, assuming the dog is inside the house. The object causing the dog to bark can be removed easily if inside the house... man and dog can live happily ever after.
Hello ALL. The owner doesnt want to pick up any calls. So I'm deeming this adoption as not valid anymore.
Sheng: I've some spitz size labrador puppies for adoption. They wont grow very big as both the parents are spitz sizes. There's still 1 male and 3 females available for adoption under PF3863. If you'd like, to adopt them, I could bring them to you this weekend.