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   « Back To Listing Lumi
Lumi - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMale, 12 Years 7 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
LocationKuala Lumpur, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur
Posted29 Dec 2012
Adoption FeeFREE
  1 Comment
I found Lumi (Meaning Snow in Finnish) in a shoe box, along with some food and water outside the entrance to our condo, on the 20th of december. I decided to bring him in and make sure he would have a good home.

However, I have two cats already in my apartment, and a third would possibly be to much to for my home, and that's the reason I want someone else to adopt this charming little fellow.

He is almost completely white except for the end of his tale and a spot on the left back leg.

He is getting along awesomely with my other male cats, and they are best of friends already. He is not at all afraid of people, and like to sleep next to us in the sofa, or in the guest bed with one of (or both for that matter) the other cats.

He is a healthy little kitten, eating dry food and seems to prefer the adult dry food before his kitten food. While it's the other way around with the other cats... ;)
He has been dewormed, but not vaccinated or neutered as of yet.
He has been great at using the litter box, with just a few exceptions.
He also has some deformations at the tip of his tail.

Overall he is just a lovely curious and playful kitten, and I'm sure he would make a perfect new family member for anyone. :)

Please sms or E-mail (I check my E-mail numerous times a day) if you have any questions. I don't speak Malay though, but my wife is Malay so she can translate if you aren't comfortable with writing in English. :)

*UPDATE* We now have three interested families, so I can safely assume at least one of them will take care of him. Thanks to everyone who has shown interest! And Thank you Petfinder. :)
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Lumi - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Lumi - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Lumi - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Lumi - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Lumi - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Share your comments here1 Comment
Jnensen   Dec 29th 2012 at 2:37PM
As of now Lumi has two potential families who wants to adopt him, and we will see in a few hours if he gets a new home. :)
Posted: 3:36 pm 29/12 - 2012

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