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Stray #1 - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileFemale, 1 Month
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBrown, Cream, White
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted23 Dec 2012 (Updated 3 Feb 2013)
Adoption FeeFREE
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I need urgent help finding home for this mommy cat and her kittens, just born last night. My condo doesn't allow pets and the guards will throw the kittens into dumpster if found out. I'm worried I can't keep her for very long. If possible I need someone who will foster all of them together. I really love this cat, so I hope to find someone who I can trust to look after her and her kittens.

23/12/2012 - a neighbor willing to switch turns with me looking after the cat and the kittens, and willing to adopt the white kitten once it's big enough to be adopted. Therefore the mother cat is no longer up for adoption. Kittens will be given up for adoption after 3 months old.

30/12/2012 - application has been sent to SCRATCH for spaying subsidy, and has been approved.

1/1/2013 - the three kittens has started opening eyes a bit. Yellow/green mucus comes out from the eyes, cleaned with baby oil. The mother cat also tried to move her kittens because someone had been disturbing her resting place.

3/1/2013 - mother cat has been bathed and cleaned.

16/1/2013 - a cardboard has been placed on the grill door to prevent kittens from running out.

18/1/2013 - while cleaning their bedding, I noticed the kittens have better and healthier eyes, so most likely I don't have to keep cleaning their eyes anymore.

20/1/2013 - kittens are now staying inside the shoe cabinet with shoe boxes outside as their playground, and a hanging ball of yarn.

24/1/2013 - kittens were given Frontline spray for ticks.

24/1/2013 - orange kitten is adopted by Eerisya.

27/1/2013 - kittens were given Frontline spray again. Orange kitten adopted by Eerisya is now eating and playing well with the new owner. Remaining kittens are being taught to eat soft food and use litter box.

3/2/2013 - my neighbor no longer wish to adopt the white kitten due to their health problems. I'm making separate profiles for the kittens since they're much bigger.
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Click on photo to view photo gallery, or mouse over for preview

Stray #1 - Domestic Short Hair Cat

The orange kitten at 1 month old, a male kitten (adopted)
The orange kitten at 1 month old, a male kitten (adopted)

The spotted kitten at 1 month old, female
The spotted kitten at 1 month old, female

The white kitten at 1 month old, male
The white kitten at 1 month old, male

The box-addicted mommy cat
The box-addicted mommy cat

Recent photo at 18th January 2013
Recent photo at 18th January 2013

Stray #1 - Domestic Short Hair Cat

This spotted kitten has medium length tail and probably female.
This spotted kitten has medium length tail and probably female.

Stray #1 - Domestic Short Hair Cat

The orange kitten has long tail and probably male.
The orange kitten has long tail and probably male.

This white kitten has long tail, probably female, and has been booked for adoption.
This white kitten has long tail, probably female, and has been booked for adoption.

Stray #1 - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Stray #1 - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Stray #1 - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Stray #1 - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Stray #1 - Domestic Short Hair Cat

The kittens and their mom

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