There are many strays at the carpark I work at that workers feed, but do not take to the vet- I often take them to the vet whenever something comes up.When the mother dog gave birth(she is now spayed),they would not let us give them away despite not providing the dogs with medical care.
What I feared most happened when I found one of the puppies with a limp after being reversed over by a car. The doctor said he had a hip fracture- his hips were sliced at the top as a result. Post surgery, the doctor has put in two pins in that jut out of his skin.
It has been about 5 weeks now, and the pins should come out in another 3, which means another surgery. The surgery cost came up to RM 767 and counting. Many dogs at the carpark need medical care, and the cost is becoming overwhelming.
Your contribution will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you