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Lost in Kuching
Muezza, 2 Yrs

Found in Seri Kembangan
Female Kitten, 3 Mths

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7 Cute Kittens For Free! - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileMixed Gender, 16 Years 6 Months
Amount7 Pets
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Gray, White
LocationSubang Jaya, Selangor
Posted17 Feb 2009 (Updated 26 Feb 2009)
Adoption FeeFREE
I started with two cats, and the female gave birth, and form there it kept on going. :P Now I have 12 cats in one household. It was getting too much, so we put them outside in the porch. The neighbors did not like them and reported them to city hall. Now I have to find homes for them by FEBRUARY 23RD or they will be put to sleep, and I will be fined. I REALLY NEED HELP GETTING URGENT and IMMEDIATE ADOPTERS.. :( They deserve to live and find good homes. Please help save them. :( I'll really appreciate it. They are really good cats who are super cute! Please Help!!
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Click on photo to view photo gallery, or mouse over for preview

Plz take us home!
Plz take us home!

Shy lounging
Shy lounging

Original Mommy (just neutered)
Original Mommy (just neutered)

Cow taking a walk
Cow taking a walk

Shy and Sky
Shy and Sky

Sky and Charlie in the background
Sky and Charlie in the background

Fay chillin'
Fay chillin'

Shy eating
Shy eating

Spot (Adopted)
Spot (Adopted)

Charlie (adopted)
Charlie (adopted)

Cow (Adopted)
Cow (Adopted)

Fay (Adopted)
Fay (Adopted)

Shy (Adopted)
Shy (Adopted)


Page: 1 2    21 Comments
ZaRoL   Feb 17th 2009 at 9:52PM
huh cute giler. i pun interedted in sky...update me pls..still up for adoption?
julaet   Feb 18th 2009 at 4:42AM
I am interested to adopt sky and shy(both). kindly contact me (017) thanks.
koneko   Feb 18th 2009 at 6:08AM
Good morning! As of this morning, Sky and shy are prebooked by Zarol and Zahraa.. will confrim their status by tonight? :) Thank you so much for the interest in them! Amber, sorry I got Zarol's message first! But please, if you are interested in any other let me know... And plz keep the love coming... the other kittens need homes too.. :( Contact me! :)
lynielime   Feb 18th 2009 at 8:05AM
gosh they are ALL so so so adorable!! i loveeee cow!!
BabyZee   Feb 18th 2009 at 8:12AM
I just messaged kaneko just now..heh..
Thinking of adopting cow but have to get the blessing of my hubby first...huhu..
Owh, I forgot to ask, which one are males and which ones are females?
lynielime   Feb 18th 2009 at 8:23AM
babyzee i'm sooo jealous!!! doesn't cow remind you of my previous foster kitten, lembu aka big moo?

even got same name just different language ;p
BabyZee   Feb 18th 2009 at 8:32AM
But still I haven't confirm yet whether can adopt or not..huhu..
But anyhow still hope all of them will get a new lovely homes.. :)
Yup, now i remembered cow reminds me of which meow2, your lembu and looks also the same like your late moo moo right?
lynie,you want to adopt cow is it?hehe.. ;)
lynielime   Feb 18th 2009 at 8:51AM
hahahaha i wish i could lah. but my house is like a zoo already.. hair and cats everywhere.. i myself also turning into a cat..
sarahsya   Feb 18th 2009 at 12:40PM
hi there,

i fell in love with cow, and wish to adopt it.
but before that, may i know whether it is a male or a female? and whether it is ok if i want to visit and take a look first?
BabyZee   Feb 18th 2009 at 1:17PM
lynielime : You're trasforming into a catwoman? I wonder how'd you look like..hehe..

sarahsya : hey, i asked the same questions too..hehe..
it's ok if you get to adopt cow first,i don't mind..
some more we're helping kaneko from the mean2 neighbors..

neway kaneko, it would be great if you can neuter or spay you other cats like the mommy so in the future your mean2 neighbors won't interrupt you kitty family anymore..
neway if if i don't get to adopt cow i still am considering to view your other cats and see which one likes me more..heh..letting the cats to choose me instead i choose them.. :D
wish me luck on getting my bf approval first as he's the financial manager of our kitty family.. :D
no approval = no cat food :P haha..
macgyverjune   Feb 18th 2009 at 2:46PM
zee,notice tak yg ibu kucing tu mcm my PR cat kat luar rmh.si Topeng.heheheheh!!
BabyZee   Feb 18th 2009 at 2:50PM
kak june, zee memang perasan sangat ala2 serupa!
tengok anak2 dia pun lebih kurang sama macam si topeng,ada hitam putih.. :D
agaknya kalau mak lebih kurang kaler sama dangan mak kucing lain, anak2 pun lebih kurang sama la kot..hehe..
macgyverjune   Feb 18th 2009 at 5:04PM
Tulah,agaknya klu akak tak spay si Topeng mcm mana rupa anak 2nd litter dia tp akak tak sanggup dah.bulan depan nak spay si Topeng nih.anak2 dia nak bg kat org bila dah cukup umur.tp si Topeng ni garang sungguh.nak pegang pun tak blh.akak berkenan dgn si Cow tu.tak blh tahan tengok.hehehehe!!
BabyZee   Feb 18th 2009 at 5:10PM
adopt la cow gitu..
hitamnya pun btol2 dekat hidung dia and jalan pun ala2 ekor menegak and bontot tertonggek2 skit..hehe.. :D
macgyverjune   Feb 18th 2009 at 7:00PM
Apa?? Adopt si Cow?? matilah akak zee.kat rmh 11 ekor tu mana nak letak?? itu pun kira2 anak si Topeng akak nak seekor.sebab susah nak cari org adopt.huh! mati!
koneko   Feb 18th 2009 at 7:53PM
Hey guys! Your comments cracked me up, hehe I loove cow too. He is soo adorable. He walks around the house like he is someone important, and nibbles at your feet. :D

Update, So Sky is off the market, Zarol confirmed her. :) Thank you for the support! Added pics of Oreo, who wasnt at home when i took the original pics. The gender of the cats I'm still waiting to get from cousin who is in subang, i'm in KL for work on the weekdays.

No one interested in Charlie? He is a boy..and very manja like his mother and Fay if I'm not mistaken is a girl. But I'll confirm later..

I have neutered the original mommy jillie. Will neuter my cat that I'm keeping, Bong, She;s a beauty. Cow and fay's Mommy. Will put up pics of her to show.

And I do have Bong's sister Jessie, who just gave birth to two more kittens two weeks ago.. they still too young to give away, but if anyone is willing to take in Jessie and her two lil kittens, most welcomed.. altho it'll be hard too part, cause Jessie is the most manja out of everyone. Jessie is Charlie and oreos mommy. If no one is, I will wait till they are a lil older and try to find new homes.. I'll try to get pics too.. Yes... I have too many cats.. with the lil ones 14 in total! :O)
macgyverjune   Feb 18th 2009 at 8:50PM
Hi!!Kaneko,that makes 2 of us.I have 11 cats and still counting.Who knows I might change my mind and decide to have more?? :) But for now,I think I'll have enough. huh!! I sound like a woman giving birth to 11 children.
koneko   Feb 18th 2009 at 8:56PM
Hehe, Tell me about it! But you cannot not love them when you look into their HUGE ADORABLE eyes. :D Another update! Shy and Spot are going home with Zahra this weekend. Thanks so much again for all the support and effort. Very much appreciated! 3 saved! 4 more to go.. :)
BabyZee   Feb 19th 2009 at 3:23AM
Hye kaneko..
Sorry didn't reply your message cause i was already sleeping at that time..huhu..
Anyway i talked with my financial manager already and he says, 'tengokla dulu..', means i'll show the kitties pics first..
but anything i'll message you in the morning ya, can't message you now, late night already :)
owh, is it a must to get all of them adopted by 23rd Feb? what if others didn't get adopted yet? i hope your inconsiderate neighbors won't cause you much of a problem..
and i'm sorry i haven't confirm in anything yet, so very sorry..huhu..
cikpolkadot   Feb 19th 2009 at 3:05PM
koneko.my hubby ader call u about cow.
kitaorg nak adopt.tpi knape u x leh di hubungi?.
nak cow le.

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