Updated May 2013
Doris is a smallish 14kg dog, rather plain-looking but loyal & obedient spayed female dog of about 20 months.
I took her in because no one would take care of her in her former residence (a factory). I also suspect she was beaten there.
She is a good alert for strangers and always very happy to see her master/mistress. When ordered to keep quiet, she will do so. Her tricks are "SIT" & "PAW".
Prior to Doris, I already have 3 other dogs and 2 cats. Because Doris is an alpha female (she does not tolerate other female dogs), I cannot keep her. However, she does get on well with the male dog. So, I hope a family who lives in a house with some garden with no other female dog, will adopt her and treat her as part of their family. Doris will not be suitable for apartment living.
In exchange for discharging her duties, I hope the family will give her a daily pat on head for job well done, care, preferably two meals a day with fresh water, a drought free place to sleep under the porch, and some exercise.
Doris accompanies me when I jog. I unleash her and she runs joyously. If she goes out of my line of sight, I call and she runs back to me even though she knows she will be leashed for the remaining part of the walk.
When I took her in, Doris was suffering from dry skin and her fur had spilt ends. She was then diagnosed with low thyroid condition and so for the rest of her life, she probably needs once-a-day tablets to help keep her skin and fur healthy and shiny. It costs about Rm40 for 6 weeks for her medication. Now her fur is shiny and coming back, as shown in this current photo.
In spite of this little shortcoming, I know she will give love and affection to the right master or mistress. So please consider her if you are looking for a good dog to help you maintain the security of your home. However, if you choose to ignore her barking, then you may miss out on something that could be important.
Thank you.
can i have a look on other photo ?