Sugar and Sago are identical pure white male kittens. It's almost impossible to tell who is who in their picture, hence this 2-in-1 adoption notice. They are part of the 5 kittens born at my place, so it would be preferable if they are adopted with at least one of his brothers/sister, as below:
Saffron: main difference between Sago and Sugar is their character. Sago is the gung-ho adventurous kitten. He is always the first kitten to pop out of the cage when it's opened. And the first kitten to explore new areas. Sugar will usually stay behind at familiar spots and is more timid. Sometimes Sugar can be identified by his softer tail with a slight curl at the end.
Basic facts:
* born on 2 Oct 2012
* checked by vet on 3 Nov 2012. Weighs 500g on that date.
* de-wormed and de-flea treatment on 3 Nov.
* eats kitten kibbles, canned food and fresh chicken
* litter-box trained
Please email or sms and state your name and which kittens you like. Thanks!