9 Nov 2012: Fifi went for vaccination and deworm today. She's been recovering very well! We've put up some photos here. :) We're truly overwhelmed by everyone's kindness towards her.
Fifi was found when she just gave birth to 5 puppies near our home. She is an abandoned female dog which was not able to move after giving birth due to the severe infection around her outer vagina. 2 puppies were ran over by motorcycles, 2 were adopted and 1 was sent to ISPCA by us. Her breasts are all swollen which made her even more uncomfortable.
The bacterial infection soon spread into her inner parts so we have decided to bring her to the vet to perform the surgery. All infection area is now removed and the vet has also spayed her. The vet also reduced her swell on her breast.
Fifi came back to us after 2 days of boarding and we're now taking care of her wound everyday, which is healing very fast.
Fifi is a great companion as she waits for us to reach home after work everyday. She is now also loved by the neighborhood because most of us has seen how tough and brave of her to survive through many obstacles.
Our most sincere gratitude for those who are willing to help us financially for her medical bill. Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to know more.