This is pasta a Labrador retriever who was found crossing at busy road junction is now looking for good permanent home.On the day i found him,he was being chased away by few street dogs .Scared, he tried to run and cross the busy road.He didnt know how to cross the road and cars are honking at him.i ran to him and carry him into my car as i have no leash with me.I was lucky because even in shocked state when i scoop him up he still believe in human and not show any aggression toward me.and wag his tail immediately when he is in my car. Believed being abandoned by owner.He is 4 years and registered with mka.very healthy and friendly.Very playful and always begging for food.Blood test has been done on him and he has a clean bill of any health issue.Currently being foster by my friend.
Interested adopter have to fulfil few criteria as below before viewing.
1.No tying and caging
2.This is not a guard dog so do not expect him to guard the property.
3.Take care of him when he is old and sick
4.we need to visit the dog after adoption to make sure he is under a good hand.
5.adopter have to come and view the dog by themselves .
If interested adopter who can meet the criteria pls make a call to me() to arrange viewing.This is very friendly and healthy dog and deserve to have a good home just like others dog.