I don't know his type but he is gray and white color, i called him dot as he is patches. He is about one month old when i found him lay on the main road side at my grandma in johor. He was badly injured and not able to moved at all at that time. thought he as dead and wanted to moved him and bury him but when he notice people try to picked him, he moved his head seems try to get help. We immediately take him and clean his wound on his neck, legs, eyes and mouth, and he also had cramp leg, it was just straight. so what i did was i gave him jelly gamat to drink a drop or 2 on first day and let him rest, do it a few times and the next day i do the same until the 3rd days he seems give respond to touch. then i gave him about 2 tea spoon of jelly gamat and massage his leg for about 10 mins and continue doing that until he is able to walk again. He is currently healthy but it just due to the accident, he is not active like any other cat, he walk a few steps and sit and look at one side then after a min or 2 then he walk again.
20 Sept 2012: Hope he is arrived to his new owner soon and i believed he is gonna settle down at a great family.
Love you dot.. gonna miss u much.. xoxo