A pair of kittens to be adopted TOGETHER as they are best of friends.
Ruffio is a black and white male. He is plus minus 6 months old. Very loving and loves being stroked. He is also playful. He will follow you around wherever you go. He tends to melt into a puddle at your feet, asking for strokes and tummy rubs. Very cheerful and affectionate boy. He sometimes looks like a bunny from behind.
Zoey is a grey and cream female Persian mix (according to the vet). She is best friends with Ruffio. Very friendly and affectionate as well. She is plus minus 3 months old. Loves to wrestle with Ruffio. She is at that playful stage.
I am putting the kittens up for adoption as I am rarely at home. Thus, I am not able to give them the attention that they need.
I am looking for the best home for them. Someone who can care for them and love them. Also, the future owner must agree to spay them when time is due. Especially for Zoey.