Group #1 all 4 are about 4.5 months old. All vaccinated and de-wormed. The one with the 3 colours ( black ,white and orange ) is female and the rest are males.
Group #2 are from a different mother - dalam 3 months old umur mereka. ada 4 available for adoption ,also de-wormed and vaccinated. They are white female , blue tick taby male , tiger-liked male and female.
Adult one nama dia Billie.
She gave birth the other day and anak2 dia semua dah di ambil orang for adoption. her name is Billie and has been spayed , vaccinated and de-wormed. She is about 1 years 9 months .
If interested, please contact me at or call me at my mobile. No fees required. Only want to find loving and responsible people to take care of them.