My baby :)..I LOVE her to bits..
She's very playful, active, & mischievious!
Well,here's her story..when she was about a month old, her mum left her in my letter box..she was the smallest in size and weakest among her siblings :/..I was so excited over her that I took her in and now, I couldn't be more happy..xD
The process of watching her growing from a fragile little kitty to a beautiful, "fat" cat princess is just amazing. Wouldn't trade that experience for anything!
She loves to bath..she does~..with one condition though~ it must be warm water..haha..
She sleeps with us at night (she gets to choose which room she wants to go in to..;p)..but at times, she just prefers to sleep under the sofa (that's one of her favourite spots)..
There's much more to tell about Hairball but I don't think I can find the right words to describe how special she is in our family :)